- Version 1.0.0
T-34A/B Mentor Trainer Set for Strike Fighters2
By Me Russouk2004...............................
Converted from Fs2004 Alphasim Freeware model..(see bottom)
Models covered.................................
T-34A USAF.....................................
T-34B USAF,USMC US NAVY ,AND RAF...............
Templates to follow when ive sorted them out.
C version may or may not follow
Decals by me
sounds,pilots and drop tanks
Pilots modded by me from a freeware figure set,lost creators info...
I did originally plan missile pylons but even smallest A2A missiles look far to big and even silly
Cockpit modded\repainted etc,by me from one of Starys freeware ww2 3dmodels....thnx Stary
Drop folders....Objects,sounds,Weapons into your SF2 mod folder.
and ready to go.
Canopy Front shift and 9
canopy Rear shift and 0
ThisPack NOT to be uploaded anywhere apart from at CombatAce.com unless specific permission given.
Pack is totally freeware and may NOT be used in any form of payware or donation ware etc,or anywhere for money.
These files are freeware. Please amend/distribute as you see fit.
They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems.
Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site.
All rights reserved - AlphaSim 2009