Well, I've been trying to find ways to solve the left and right mirror issues with the F-15C pit and thought I could be able to use the stock F-15 pit from WOE or WOI. The problem is that the stock pit is constructed and mapped differently than the C pit and the C pit has a lower left MFD. So, I thought my solution to that would be just to crop and copy that MFD in the .bmp file of the C pit and past it where it should be in the .tga file for the stock pit. Well, another issue pops up from that. The stock pit uses more 3d objects than the C pit, and there's a slew of switches and a big freaken A/G selector knob that's right in the area where that MFD goes (see pics below). Is there a work around with this, or should I wait for an updated pit / make my own from scratch?