Hi looking for a pointer in the right direction , on one of our older aircraft, I am messing around with Borts Farmans, specifically the MF11 , as that is really the only shorthorn you can do anything with, as the gunners on the other ones are ancient, and rather awful looking these days, however as the MF11 is just like the Longhorn, I was attempting to remove the obseerver from the rear seat and have an armed observer using the rifle armed models  ( as has be made possible on the MF 7 ) however as the bugger is hardwired in, I am experiencing some difficulty in hiding it, I can make the face disappear but the main body aint budging, so i am getting this problem...................................   As you can see I still have the shadow of the original observer behind my replacement , so, my question is , can I hide this , and if so, how ? been trying to hide it all different ways but with no luck,  as I said I can make his face disappear, but not the main part of him ......HELP !!!