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Trotski last won the day on June 14

Trotski had the most liked content!

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844 +750 Reputation


About Trotski

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    Republic of Elbonia
  • Interests
    Scale models, Aircraft, Historical arms and armour, Reading, Sci-fi , and doing a bit of skinning.


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    Welcome to the Spiders Lair dude. Oh and happy Birthday again mate.
  2. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    I ALWAYS act stupidly, sensible is for the birds hahahahaha.
  3. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    Welcome to the show matey
  4. Paint.net can be a useful tool, but not really good enough to do a complete skin, Gimp is very good, especially for making decals, and the added bonus of it being FREE, is maybe the way for you to go. I personally prefer Photoshop for making my skins, I find it easier to use, however it ain't cheap, so Gimp is by far your best option.
  5. I know, I know, I just cant help myself, gettin snarkier and saltier the older I get..................
  6. Sorry, I couldn't resist a sarky comment, I can't help it, I need to seek help.
  7. Try upgrading from a 486, ms dos system, which is wood burning, and get a Win 95 Pc that is Gas powered
  8. It has to be the JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG for me, or the Gina, of course any SAAB is also a contender.
  9. Drachinifel -- Last Stand of Takao

    Excellent, Drach nails it again, I like the way all his vids are very mater of fact, and he speaks with deep knowledge. As for the "Takao Incident" this was hushed up rather swiftly, until some wise ass Japanese thought it would be an awfully spiffing show to make "Sience'ee Fiction'ee" Documentaries on the subject of The King of the Monsters.
  10. Nice to see you back buddy, you have been quiet for a while, the Ballila looks nice.
  11. Hurricane R4118 video

    Wow, 102 and bright as a button.
  12. Congratulations Coupi

    Congrats matey. Well deserved.
  13. IAR 80/81 REDUX PACK

    I also edited the write up to include a credit for you mate. As for the IAR, I think it is a a very pretty aircraft, a shame the armament was a bit rubbish, but still, it served the Romanians very well until the 50's
  14. IAR 80/81 REDUX PACK

    Sorry, no offence meant, I was meaning the original Cockpit was by Stary. I totally missed out on crediting you, again apologies.

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