WOFF 'Over The Top'  Version 1.05 is now available on our website: Please see https://www.overflandersfields.com/downloads-woffbhahii.html
It will also appear in your in-game patch advisor. Fixes and Changes for V1.05 (Released):

1) Implemented the ability for users to add in their own weather types in QC, and in Scenario and Campaign Overrides - Weather files need to start with "OBD_" to be detected by WOFF

2) Implemented the ability for users to toggle the 'busy images' on and off in the workshops - Page 2

3) Implemented 'Realistic Outcomes' in the workshops - Page 2 - player and observer will spend more realistic time in hospital.

Player and observer will spend more time in captivity with a higher chance of never escaping.

'Normal Outcomes' is as before

And 'Easy Outcomes' is well easy, as before.

4) Faster AC should no longer stop short of the end of the airfield landing lanes.
********** Note: Panama Reds 'Updated Airfields Mod' is currently not compatible with this version!! ************
********** If you are using it, disable it before applying this patch, and wait for his update!! ************