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Need Help Replacing Stock Carrier w/CVN75 in WOV Campaigns

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Originally posted by RogueSnake:

Ok, remember, Uber noobie here


Is there a way to make this carrier replace one in one of the default campaigns? I tried deleting the Kitty Hawk.


a. If Already Extracted, Remove Previous CVN_Carrier Entry


And my plane just explodes on mission start.


Or should I just search for missions/campaigns that use it? Thx for the help



You can Replace the Carrier in the Campaigns by opening the Campaign_Data.ini (has to be extracted of course)


and Go down to Carrier Units, and Change the Following lines that Are Bold





UnitName=CVN-75 Truman



Digital Overload


I've tried the above with no success. I've searched all the forums looking for more info to no avail, so I'm turning to the pros and/or anyone who has done this successfully for help.


I know I've installed DO's beautiful CVN75 correctly because I can get it to work fine in "single missions", however, I've tried everything I know of to get it to appear in the WOV LB1 Campaign and have struck out so far. I've removed all other mentions of carrier units in the WOVCAMPL1_DATA.INI file and put in only the following reference:





UnitName=CVN-75 Truman





BaseArea=Yankee Station







Now when I try to start a mission in this campaign, instead of the flight being on the cats, ready to takeoff, it's on the surface of the water. I know I'm missing something or doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.


Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can give me.

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