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Got the AV-8A flying off the boat in LinebackerI

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I got tired of waiting for "Jet Thunder" to come out, and even more tired of trying to make the falklands add-on work, so I took it into my own hands to get the AV-8A flying off boats on campaign mode.


It took a bit of downloading, installing, extracting and editing, but I finally replaced a Navy squadron A-4's for AV-8A's in linebackerI. Totally ahistorical, I know, but the US' been flying AV-8's since '71, so why not? Anyway, I had to edit the aircraft's ini so the weapons were compatible with the weapon's pack, but that was about it to get it flying and shooting. The only problem that I have is that you can't take off from a CV with the harrier, although it lands fine. It starts you latched to the cat, so you can't take of verticaly, and the cat shot destroys the aircraft. I got arround that by starting "on air" and the campaign plays very well. Talk about hairy going downtown with no RWR or any chaff/flares, and listening to all the SAM calls, looking for trails, and seing if you can possibly get any lower on the deck... exciting stuff.


I attempted to take it to the next level and swap a Marine squadron A-4's for AV-8A's, switch the squadron to base at "Yankee Station," and last but not least, replace the CV-63 for an LHA-1. Well, I got the squadron flying the AV-8As from their land base OK. I downloaded and edited the LHA-1 so it would work in 1972, but that's as far as I got.


I could not find out how to replace the Constellation for the Tarawa. I've been looking at a variety of different threads on the matter, but the instructions vary depending on whether it is SFP1/SFG/WOV/WOE, and it's frustrating trying to apply instructions for one title to another which has a different file structure. I'm going mad trying to locate all these files that posters talk about, whirch are usually compressed in an unamed cat file, in an unamed folder :alcoholic:


Can some kind soul please tell me which files you have to edit in order to change the CV-63 in Yankee Station for an LHA-1? I'm doing this on a combined install of WoV & WoE, which changed the file format of linebackerI to WoE standard (campaign_data.ini's must be extracted.)


Thanks for any help.

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Ok, I got further, but still no cigar.


After crawling through the campaign_data.ini I found that carrier based squadrons have a couple of extra lines, which ground squadrons do not:





Where # matches the selected carriernumber in the [carrierobject] section at the bottom of the campaign_data.ini. This is how you link a particular squadron with a particular boat.


I added the LHA-1 to the list of carrier objects, set the carriernumber entry to 1 which wasn't being used by any other [carrierobject,] and matched that number to the carriernumber entry in the [airunit] section for the particular squadron. I also extracted and edited the target nations.ini and added the LHA-1 as a target.


I start the campaign, and everything is fine, I'm on yankee station, I'm flying an AV-8A, but I'm siting in the water, no boat anywhere :cray:


I ended up switching the carriernumber to 19 on the [airunit], which is the constellation's number, to figure out if I was using the correct procedure to assign a squadron to a carrier. Sure enough, I'm sitting in the cat of the constellation. That leads me to conclude that something is wrong with the LHA-1 itself, or more likely with the way I added it to the [carrier objects] section of the campaign data.ini.


Oh well, I'll keep trying to get the LHA-1 to work, and I'll try some other baby flatops in the d/l section as well. Meanwhile, I'm flying the linebackerI campaign, with a Marine squadron flying the AV-8A, and landing in the constellation after every flight.

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