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I think this is the right location to ask this question. This mod is really immersive, accurate and a strong reminder of the challenges both sides faced in the South Atlantic. Thank you very much.


My glitch though relates to cockpit view in the Super Etendard and Skyhawk and a first for me in a TW sim.


I can be flying along, begin to bank and kapoof, I'm out of the plane and the outside environment sort of stops as well. If I switch to an outside view the aircraft looks great but I'm now tacking left. If I get back inside I can start to jink violently and I'm back in the plane.


Any thoughts? Bob


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you hit the limit of the map.



:clapping: I'm so glad I didn't start fiddling with files and asked a question instead. Whew. Thank you vm. Bob

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I have had this problem randomly on a few 3rd party terrain maps. (Eritrea, Greece, ANW, etc)

Are there any other potential causes for this "Out of Cockpit" issue.

It has occurred to me while not even near a map edge.

It has even happened once while playing multiplayer.

Any input from anyone would be valued, as this is a rare occurance

but seems to happen randomly during almost any mission on any 3rd party map...


If anyone else has noticed this condition please continue this thread!

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