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Hi Folks



Please forgive my ignorance , if this has been asked to death, Ive played SF1/WOE/WOV for a few years now and have much enjoyed adding new aircraft and weapons , I ve just discovered how to edit the aircraft dat files ect, and I wanted to try my hand at making my own weapon for SF and wondered if you could give me any pointers? I have the downloadable weapons editor , the main thing I am stuck with is creating the 3D model, could you advise me of which the software I require to actually construct the #d Model


apoligies if am the 100th newbie to ask this



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3D Studio Max.


The best way if you don't have a copy of Max laying around is to do the 3D work in something like GMax and then send the completed file to someone with Max so they can create a .lod for it.

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