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Developing a plane, have a few questions

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Ok, so im using 3dmax, and I have the model done. Im doing an SR-71, and im not too sure how to go about with the creating the aircraft.ini. Ive been through the knowledge forums, and i understand the engine and whatnot. but when it comes to positioning, size other things....do i I need to build an ini from scratch, or can i use specs for a different aircraft and make it work? Any help would be appreciated.


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I generally take an aircraft that is similar in size or shape (no help there) and change the .ini files to match my model.


For instance - I used the F-86K with the Lansen model. I renamed all the meshes and changed the positions of the pilots - afterburner - guns - the radius of the wheels. That will get it into the game. Then you will have to fix the rotation angles of the ailerons, elevators, flaps, rudders etc... Truth be told, I know nothing about getting the aircraft to perform properly, but I can get it into the game.


There is a program out there by p10ppy called min-max that will give you a great deal of information that you'll need regarding your model to get it working properly in the game. This program is invaluable and p10ppy was not only nominated for a Nobel Prize for his efforts, but was also cannonized by the Order Eels Keen on Hovercraft.


You can find min-max here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5125

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