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Skinning the stock F-15

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Hey guys!


After finishing my second skin (Su-27 Squadron Skin) I wanted to move on to the F-15. Besides the annoying mapping issues I already faced when making the Su-Skin (especially when heavy weathering applied different areas seem to be more or less bright/dark, even while they look the same on the plane skin texture in PS), I wonder how to change squadron-markings and emblems.


Hope one of you here can help me out on this!

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You have to change the emblems and marking on the skins themselves.

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Just found the .tga-files in the WorldTexturesTGA.cdds. Would I have to replace one of them by a clean file to avoid them to be brought up on the skin? Or the other way around: Editing them to my needs. That would bring the next question: When I delete the emblems there and replace them by our squad-emblem it looks like they're cut to the silhoutte of the deletet ones. Is there anything one would need to know to edit those .tga??

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