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Fighting Steel And Thunder At Sea

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We dont have a seperate thread for Fighting Steel which I think is a pretty good surface combat sim that the boys at NWS have made a LOT better. I was wondering, since there isnt a lot of activity with Fleet Command, maybe we could use this thread for both Fleet Command and Fighting Steel. Just a thought..


Second, I have been trying out NWS's demo for Thunder at Sea. Its an addon program for fighting Steel that allows you to control your fleet thruoghout the world. Kinda like great Naval Battles of the North Atlantic. Except it isnt just the North Atlantic, its world wide. When contact is made, TAS opens fighting Steel and the engagement is fought. The demo looks very polished as far as I can tell and while it only worked for the first 5 minutes, gave me an interesting look at it. TAS is supposed to be out very soon. I will be getting it. I think it runs for $18. They are also throwing on the 9.0 update for Fighting Steel on it. More info on it can be found HERE. Also, the forums can be found HERE!


Cripes, I sound like an advertisment...Just thought you guys might like to know if you still play Fighting Steel. The 9.0 FS project really spruced up the game. Ive been playing it again to my great satisfaction. The ships sink more realisticlly, torps leave a little wake now, the gunnery has been tweaked a lot to improve it to realistic levels. Tons of ships have been added though their models arent quite as detailed because of the code in the game. Its the way the game shoulda been on release.

Edited by pcpilot

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