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An EIII inspiration -- a bit OT

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I got in a bit of an R/C reminiscence mood this morning (it's been almost eight years since I held a transmitter in my hands) and was looking through some pictures. Thought you might find this fun.


Phil Kraft designed a radio control plane and published the plans for it in the May-June issue of Radio Control and Model Aircraft World in 1966. It was loosely based on the Eindecker EIII but took lots of liberties to make it fly well (ailerons, no wires, etc., etc.) The one in this picture is a Great Planes kit that is even more modified from Phil Kraft's original design but was a wonderful flyer. In fact, this was one of my absolute favorite planes to fly. Sadly the one you see here I eventually carried home in a bag (in fact, one of the guys at the field walked over to me after I buried it in the ground and said "Paper or plastic?")


Hope you enjoy!





PS, yes, I changed my avitar! Being an ole LAF'er from RB3D, this seemed appropriate.

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I got in a bit of an R/C reminiscence mood this morning (it's been almost eight years since I held a transmitter in my hands) and was looking through some pictures. Thought you might find this fun.


Phil Kraft designed a radio control plane and published the plans for it in the May-June issue of Radio Control and Model Aircraft World in 1966. It was loosely based on the Eindecker EIII but took lots of liberties to make it fly well (ailerons, no wires, etc., etc.) The one in this picture is a Great Planes kit that is even more modified from Phil Kraft's original design but was a wonderful flyer. In fact, this was one of my absolute favorite planes to fly. Sadly the one you see here I eventually carried home in a bag (in fact, one of the guys at the field walked over to me after I buried it in the ground and said "Paper or plastic?")


Hope you enjoy!





PS, yes, I changed my avitar! Being an ole LAF'er from RB3D, this seemed appropriate.



Very nice looking Ugly Stick, Homeboy.

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