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Key Commands for Teamspeak

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Noticed that Vascon has changed setting for the new teamspeak so we can move to channels ourselves.


As it is impossible for most of us to get back into teamspeak while a game is running, am posting proceedure for assigning hot keys to the "change channel" function in teamspeak.


This should help alot for pilots having any questions for the host, or anyone else, as they will not be stuck in the sub channel.


I did this kinda of fast, so not sure if any of the key bindings i picked conflict with BHAH key commands. Naturally everyone should pick key combinations that make sense to them.


Also, keep in mind, you can select commands to change you from one Channel to another Channel, but you cannot change from a Channel to a sub channel within another channel


ie:...you cant go from DasBrewHaus to Hun,,,you have to go from DasBrewHaus to Ready Room, and then go from Ready Room to Hun channel. You can however change from a sub channel directly to any of the other channels.



From teamspeak, select settings, and then key settings


In the next drop down, select "switch to" for action, select "channel" in the middle box, and click on the drop down in the box on the left, and it will list all the channels available.

Pick a channel you want to switch to, and then assign a key setting for the action. Not sure if i was doing something wrong the first time i tried this, but it seemed it had to be a key combination, ie i could not assign just the letter "H" to get me to the hun sub channel.


In the pictures attached, i had not yet set a keycombo for swithcing to the Briefing Room, not sure what purpose that sub channel served


Pilots should also take a look at all the other settings in teamspeak that can be contoled with key bindings. There may be some there that are useful.


If anyone comes up with a good set of key settings (and by good,,,i mean its easy for someone to remeber what key takes you to what room),,,and they dont conflict with any key settings in BHAH, export them, and upload the file here. Would be nice if new pilots could import the file into thier teamspeak, and have something that worked right off the bat.





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