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Still got Graphics problems please help

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HI Guys,


I'm still having graphics problems in WOV, the problem is stuttering. When in cockpit view if I pitch down, roll, turn hard, loop or split s its shows up the most. Aswell as the stuttering there is a strange horizontal blur in the middle of the screen across the terrain that travels with the line of sight. Its as if whatever type of texture rendering/filtering cant catch up with the rate which the terrain is moving. Below is a list of everything i've tried


Hardware changes,


Tried my new Nvidia GTS 250 and my old ATI HD4850 its less with the ATI card but still there.

Replaced my motherboard from an Asus P5KPL/1600 to a P5Q SE2 suspecting a northbridge/southbridge failure but no change.

Replaced my power supply from Hiper 580w to a Corsair 750w, no change

Replaced my Seagate harddrive with a Samsung 7200rpm 16mb cache harddrive suspecting write speeds had dropped but no change

CPU and motherboard temps are all fine and my E8500 core2duo benchmarked at 3.177ghz standard clock

Tried it with and without my wireless and sound pci cards no change


Software changes


Fresh install of WOV works until patched to oct08

Tried WOV, WOE, Microsoft Feb, ATI and Nvidia direct x packages but no change

Fresh install of Windows XP Pro SP2 no change

Any flightengine.ini mod I could find no change

Any Vietnamseadata.ini I could find makes it worse or better

Green hell mod version 1 and 2 its worse with 2

Every combination of Nvidia settings I could think of including Nhancer, its better with everything turned off but not gone completely

180. and 190. versions of the Nvidia drivers no difference between them



If there are no objects on the terrain then I have no stuttering, but there is still the strange blurred line. I only play WOV, WOE and IL2 1946. The problem is also in IL2 if I fly near any ground objects however I dont have the problem if I run it in OPEN GL. I'm also aware that there has been issues with older games and Nvidia's recent drivers. Does anyone have anymore ideas about what I could try even if its experimental drivers. I've tried all of them on Nvidias website archived under the GTS 250.


Thanks in advance for any help, Ross

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Guest rscsjsuso5

a picture of the problem would help us determine what happens and to find a solution and to direct you to teh relevant department/person who may help you.


my guess have you lowered your graphics settings in the options area of wov or woe


my suggested steps are as follows - first you make sure your computer is upto date with directx and everything of sound and vido and memory and of course the system requiremnts etc.. practically everything down to the wire/boards to make sure everything is working properly including your windows .then install wov or woe, then teh latest patch from thirdwire, then bluetiger if possible then your fav weapon pack. then lower the graphics and cockpit graphics and maybe clouds lower then - testing .


thats all i can offer right now .

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My friend you are a god amongst men, it was the blue tiger patch! just found it on thirdwire now it runs like a dream again.

What does the bluetiger patch do?

Edited by Boostjunky

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The blue tiger patch solved the problem if i'm using mt ATI card, however if I put my Nvidia card back in the weird horizontal blur is gone but I still have a stutter. Is this likely to be the problem with the newer Nvidia drivers being incompatable with older games?

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why bluetiger would be necessary on a non bluetiger setup ?? is there a patch for SF2 as well?

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