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MiG-23MLD (Bulgaria)

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MiG-23MLD (Bulgaria)

MiG-23MLD (Bulgaria) Readme


MiG-23MLD (factory code 23-18)


Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104


This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.


http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1


http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2


To Install:


- unpack Archive in temporary folder


- copy MiG-23MLD_Bul folder to Aicraft folder.


- copy Sounds to sound folder


Plane specifications:




- Max G: 8.5


- Radar: N008 Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA-2)


- ASP-17 gunsight


- MiG-23MLD can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 allowed, but required APU-72 Rail.


- Max Loadout 2000Kg


- R-35-300 Engine


- TP-26 Heat seeker


- new RWR & ECM


- BVP-50-60 CM


"MLD" update program, also known like "bulletin 1000" modernisation has been begun june 1982 and completed in 1985, 566 MiG-23MLA planes have been modernised

, SN 0390310389-0390323765 (except 0390310485,486,556,560,561) and 0390324647-0390324949


ex-soviet MLD exported to Bulgaria in 1992 5 historical correct SN & plane numbers included


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