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Help with weapon names & the Stock F-16A Stores Control Panel?

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Hi there :- )


Firstly thanks for the great form, though I don’t often actively participate I am a avid Combat Ace fan & in debit to you all for the wealth of information & files out there..


I have been fiddling around with the stock Third Wire F-16A & been experimenting with adding various weapons that are not in the stock load out & perhaps not 100% realistic but it's been successful & I have been enjoying my aircrafts new fictional arsenal & capabilities.


How ever I have been having trouble getting the newly added weapon to show up in the Stores Control Panel. The quaintly & selected pylon show correctly but the weapon name is missing.


For example the AIM-7F:


I have tried adding new entry’s in the Cockpit.ini & also trying replacing a current weapon name with the new one that I wish to have displayed but have been unsuccessful with either method.


Theses are the ini entry’s I have tried duplicating or replacing.

Eg the AIM-9B:




















If anyone can help or point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.






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First, if the node doesn't exist (ie if there is no sms_weapon_aim7F node as an example), then nothing you do (short of retexturing a different node) will make it read correctly. And if you retexture it, you lose the node that you had (ie if you retexture the sms_weapon_aim9b to read AIM-7F, then it will never read AIM-9B no matter if you load an AIM-9B there).


Second, unless the weapon is defined in the cockpit.ini under the [WeaponTypeID] section with a different number from all the other weapons, again, you will not see the particular node activated.


Finally, even if you do define the weapon as above, (say AIM-7F=2), then the entry you have, say:







NodeName=(name of node)












Note the bold parts. The light only comes on when the Position = 1.0, and the Position only equals 1.0 when the Value is equal to the number you defined in the [WeaponTypeID] section.


If you want to get an idea of just how complex this can get, download either the F-15 Super Pack or F-15 Baz Super Pack and fly one of the F-15C model cockpit versions. Then take a look at the cockpit.ini...it will make your brain explode...as it did mine.



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If you want to get an idea of just how complex this can get, download either the F-15 Super Pack or F-15 Baz Super Pack and fly one of the F-15C model cockpit versions. Then take a look at the cockpit.ini...it will make your brain explode...as it did mine.




Oh yeah, I can't even imagine what you had to go through with that, not just the *.ini but I'm guessing figuring out the hierarchy was madness. Massive respect for that one buddy :good:

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