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Alternative Late War Plane FMs NOT for Expansion Pack

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Alternative Late War Plane FMs NOT for Expansion Pack

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These FMs were developed prior to the Expansion Pack. They won't work well, some won't work at all, with the Expansion pack.


UPDATE and additions.


Flight Models for some of the A-Teams 3D Models, Aladars Dh2, Laton's fokkerD8 and most of Thirdwires planes. This will be the last change, until some time after TKs upcoming addon.


This is an update to the previous download, with the addition of 5 2-seaters, PfalzD12, Fokker D8. But there have been quite a few changes to previous versions - see forum topic "What do you think?"


Includes 26 FMs - Sopwith Pup, Sopwith Triplane, Fe2B, F2B Brisfit, AlbatrosD3, Dh2, Sopwith Camel, Sopwith Dolphin, Sopwith Snipe, SpadVII, PfalzD3, ShuckertD3, FokkerDr1, PfalzD8,PfalzD12, FokkerD7, FokkerD7F, AlbatrosD5a, Se5a, Spad13, AviatikC2, BE-2D, Bregeut14,DFWC5,RolandC2/Walfisch, FokkerD8.


The FMs should be considered beta. They are optimised for Hard Flight Model. The AI is excellent.


Contact me on the CombatAce forum not the A-Team or Charles, Laton, Aladar or even TK if there are any issues. And many thanks to these for allowing me to do alternative versions.


Please read the readme file for fuller credits and installation instructions, but its as simple as one drag and drop!


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