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SF2 Only Using TextureSet001 Data for Other TextureSets

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It seems like I've pissed off the God of Decals as I've lately experienced nothing but minor issues with decals. After resolving the last issue, I ran into a new one which I thought was a simple fix and thus did not start a new thread for it. However, the issue has evolved into something that is quite a PITA which means it probably deserves its own thread.


The new issue I'm encountering (and hopefully the last one) is that the game engine is only using the data from TextureSet001 to determine the decal block size, start, and end number as well as if it is randomized. At first, I thought it was only for the aircraft I had been working on but after I tested it, it seems that it is an issue affecting all of my addon planes. 


Basically, what is happening is that if the default squadron set to randomize with a block size of 10 and I decide to go into the mission editor and choose another squadron that happens to have a block size of 9, then out of those 9 planes, one of them will not have any decals since it's using the block size from the default texture. I also did a test where the decals for TextureSet001 were set to not be randomized and TextureSet002 set to randomize and the same thing happened where choosing TextureSet002 did not result in randomized decals. 


I do have separate folders for the different skins in both the aircraft and decals folder and tried adding a Level=1 decal to the decals.ini files. Nothing seems to work and I can't seem to find anything similar on here... 


Thanks for the assistance and sorry that I am creating so many threads.




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