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About Hooper_TAW

  1. The Art of Warfare is in the process of building The Art of Competition, a competition site for several games, including LOMAC. The tournament and ladder site is scheduled to be up within 6 to 8 weeks. We will have ladders and tournaments in LOMAC, Ravenshield, Call of Duty, BF1942, Delta Force BHD, and Ghost Recon. If you are interested in being a Ladder/Tournament admin, email me at Hooper@theartofwarfare.net. We're looking for admins for each of the games we offer. Our current website is http://pub.theartofwarfare.net and our tournament site will be www.tacomp.net as soon as we finish the site design. Feel free to stop in and post in the forums, and let us know what types of rules and/or gameplay you'd like to see!
  2. When I create a skin, for example for the MiG-29A, I have a couple of places that don't paint. Everything looks good until I run the game with the skin on, and there are a couple of places that aren't painted. They are on the top of the aircraft, near the centerline, and forward of the tailfins. The second place is on the upper edge of the intake tunnels. I've even tried using the "fill" method to make an entirely blue texture, and still the blank spots. I'm using both Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop pro, with the same results. Any ideas?

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