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About ragdolls_physic_2008

  1. MiG-29G Fulcrum A

  2. I had got Le Missionneur 2006 and KMD mission editor too. Both of them were downloaded from checksix.com and now I upload them to other host to make it easier for someone who need those tools ^^ (They must not spend much time finding them on internet) Anyone else wants some ?? To download KMD Editor Click here To download Le Missionneur 2006 Click here Additional: To download Le Missionneur Tutorial Click here This tutorial contains a pdf file. If you do not have any pdf reader programs (such as Acrobat Reader 7.0 or 8.0) you can download Foxit Reader, a small but powerful pdf reader ;) To download Foxit Reader Click here Enjoy !! ^__^
  3. Oh !! I went on a wrong way ^^ I downloaded it ! 1 hour for beginning and then I created my first own mission.
  4. Where can I download that tool T__T or... other tool(s) :D
  5. But I think it is not exist I didn't found it in thirdware, I typed "Kreelins KMD mission editor" in the google search box but there's only one resuit appeared :)) Give me more ideas ^^
  6. Thank you very much, MigBuster :)
  7. How can I create my OWN mission in WOE ?? (NOT a random mission !!!, Certainly ^__^) I mean... what tool(s) should I get ?? :D I didn't find any "Mission editor" tool(s) for this game. Please, help me !! I love WoE so much... You can give me a link or show me what I must do. Thanks.

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