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About Ribbon-Metal

  1. Zero Tabs

    Ok, close this topic, dont worry
  2. nada que ver con aviones XD

    hola a todos. Ya puse este topic por otro lado, pero solo me escriben "Wrong Place" y no me ayudan en nada. Bueno, creo que aca puede estar mejor :P bueno, quisiera pedirles ayuda en algo. Quisiera consiguir las tablaturas de la canción "Zero", el tema final de Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War. Yo toco guitarra y me gustaría tocar esa canción. Aqui unos ejemplos: Megadeth - Tornado of soul Judas Priest - Painkiller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA3ACs7i8HQ...feature=related Bueno, muchas gracias
  3. No no, i dont have the Zero Tabs XD, i need help to find it :P Or please, if somebody can play that song, could you write it in tabs? Well, i play guitar too, and this is my two videos: Megadeth - Tornado of Souls Judas Priest - Painkiller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA3ACs7i8HQ...feature=related So, i want to play Zero too, please help me. PS: if some mod move this, please tell me where by PM. This forum is too big for search.
  4. Key Nagase, you are awesome man! That program is freaking cool! Well, i hate the im@s scheme XD, but your work is so fine!!!
  5. Hey man!, you are amazing :) can i ask you one request :P That F-4 Boss in AC6... i dont remember the name, Kobol? right? well, please, try to make it. I'll really thank you. ;)

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