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Everything posted by gdogtx

  1. Which is better in a flight sim, interactive in flight refueling or getting to land on a carrier. I know in Ace Combat 6, there was a short scene where one was able to try to hook up to a tanker, and in OverG, one could land on carriers and airbases as well. Which is better in sims (H.A.W.X. by the way has neither of these, as the plane rarely slows below 1000Km/h) personally i like the in flight refeuling, and i wish it were featured in more sims
  2. every time i try to connect to multiplayer servers of any kind, the connection loads and subsequently times out i have my connection speeds set at reasonable rates and have the latest patches i also followed the instructions regarding opening of ports and whatnot any ideas on how to ease this problem, because as of yet, i have not experienced the glory of multiplayer allied force
  3. multiplayer connection help

    oh, let me find that out
  4. multiplayer connection help

    I'm pretty sure i already forwarded the necesary ports for F4AF which ones are they, just in case i got a bad walkthrough earlier
  5. voice actors

    Does anyone know who voices some of the characters in FSX (acceleration)? Most specifically I'm looking for the Aircraft Carrier's Air Traffic Controller. I think that he might also have a voice role in the new Clancy game, HAWX.
  6. so everytime i go to the multiplayer menu, enter an ip, and hit connect, my flaming cliffs (1.12b) crashes if i try and use another program to connect me (i.e. hyperlobby, ubi.com, etc) it crashes yet again single player seems to work fine, if not a bit slow for my computer, which exceeds all specs is there a solution for this? and if not, is there a way to go back to 1.1 without installing the entire game and then reinstalling it (which i can, but would prefer not to do)?

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