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Everything posted by Trillian

  1. Hello,my name is Trillian and I'm from the T2 GamingCommunity! We are a multi-platform clan which plays on the PS3, Xbox360 and PC. We mainly concern ourselves with first person shooters butare open to other types of games that we can all get together and play.Now let me tell you a little bit about our clan. We are T2,which stands for True Talent. We were established on July 15th by ourfounder, Ik0n XX. We are a military-based clan with two Battalions. 1stBattalion consists of our US competitive and casual divisions for thePS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Our 2nd Battalion caters to European (and other)gamers for the same systems and gaming preferences. Your applicationwill largely determine which company you are placed in. Requirements Thereare currently no requirements for joining a casual company except awill to play hard, have fun, and be respectful! Our competitivedivisions are a little different. You have to have a K/D of at least1.50. You have to have a working microphone. Finally, like the casualdivisions, you have to be respectful and work as a team. Thisclan is an extremely friendly community full of talented andexperienced gamers. But dont just take my word for it, head on over tothe forums at True TalentForums, register and take a look for yourself! You may even findyourself lodging an application. We offer divisions in 360, PS3 and PC. We support the following games: CoD4 [360, PS3, PC] CoD5 [PS3, PC] Warhawk [PS3] Killzone 2 [PS3] Modern Warfare 2 [TBA]

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