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Everything posted by JollyRogerTwo

  1. SFP1 Edward's Solomons campaign. I found an interesting custom mission titled "Kill Yamamoto". I had some difficulty loading it at first but managed (with help from CombatAce members) to figure out what the problem was. I fixed that and now it loads OK. File this mission under "Remarkably Hard To Win" The mission begins on the runway. The instant I pop into 3D and find myself on the runway, Red Crown notifies me our mission has failed and recommends we RTB. RTB?? Hmmmm. A quick glance around and it is abundantly clear we haven't even LEFT the base yet. How did we fail? I guess someone just forgot to say "May I?" I loaded the mission into notepad and into KMD and I cannot see a glaring error. Since I am a novice I could easily have missed it. Is anyone familliar with this glitch or have a suggestion where to look for a fix? I just ignore RC, takeoff anyway, shoot down Yamamoto and his escort and complete the mission but it makes no difference. I am unfairly (I think) credited with a failed mission. ne thing I did notice is that the Bettys mission is set as RECON without an ObjectiveID= line. Does this matter? This and one more custom mission for the Korea campaign are the only two custom missions I have found for SFP1. Naturally I am considering creating a few of my own. That is easier to do with the built-in editor in SF2 no doubt but I don't have it. Here is the SFP1 mission as I downloaded it: [MissionHeader] AircraftType=P-38H MissionMap=Solomons MissionType=INTERCEPT StartTime=07:30 StartDate=04/18/1943 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=2 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=2 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1234 AdjustStartPosition=TRUE AdjustBaseWaypoint=TRUE [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt= WeatherThickness= HasHighLayer= HighLayerAlt= FogAmount= ContrailAlt=3500 StartWindSpeed= StartWindDirection= WindGustingAmount= [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=P-38H Name=Anvil Alignment=FRIENDLY FormationType=WW2USFighter Heading=0 Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=12 Speed=0. Nation=USAF StartTime=0 MissionType=INTERCEPT Loadout=AirToAir ObjectiveID=2 StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[01].Size=50. Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=760742.187500,348632.812500,500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=714355.500000,390136.718750,500.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=613769.531250,443359.375000,500.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=565429.687500,466308.593750,500.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=541015.625000,496582.031250,500.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=527832.000000,535644.500000,500.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=555524.553571,543247.767857,500.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[08].Size=500. Waypoint[08].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[09].Position=635253.906250,461914.062500,500.000000 Waypoint[09].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[09].Size=500. Waypoint[09].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[09].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[10].Position=691406.250000,412109.375000,500.000000 Waypoint[10].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[10].Size=500. Waypoint[10].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[10].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[11].Position=761718.750000,349121.093750,500.000000 Waypoint[11].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[11].Size=500. Waypoint[11].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[11].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[12].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[12].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[12].Size=500. Waypoint[12].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[12].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[13].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[13].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[13].Size=500. Waypoint[13].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[13].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[14].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[14].Speed=60 Waypoint[14].Size=500 Waypoint[14].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[14].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission002] AircraftType=G4M2 Name=YAMAMOTO Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=WW2AxisBomber Heading=120 Position=380859.375000,778180.812500,1500.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=2 Speed=83.33333588 Nation=Japanese Empire StartTime=0 MissionType=RECON Loadout=Recon StartOnGround=FALSE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=474609.375000,660993.303571,1500.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[01].Size=500. Waypoint[01].Command=MARSHAL_POINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=495535.718750,617187.500000,1500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=INITIAL_POINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=519252.232143,561104.910714,1500.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=541852.678571,496930.803571,1500.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=529622.375000,484700.531250,1500.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=60 Waypoint[08].Size=500 Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission003] AircraftType=A6M5 Name=KURUSAKA Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=WW2AxisFighter Heading=120 Position=389508.937500,784040.187500,2000.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=6 Speed=83.33333588 Nation=Japanese Empire StartTime=0 MissionType=ESCORT Loadout=AirToAir Texture= Squadron= StartOnGround=FALSE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT TargetArea= ObjectiveID=2 AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=475446.428571,660435.267857,2000.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[01].Size=500. Waypoint[01].Command=MARSHAL_POINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=495442.718750,616536.437500,2000.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=INITIAL_POINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=519252.232143,561941.964286,2000.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=541294.642857,497209.821429,2000.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=529622.375000,484700.531250,2000.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=60 Waypoint[08].Size=500 Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission004] AircraftType=A6M5 Name=SAKATO Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=WW2AxisFighter Heading=0 Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=8 Speed=0. Nation=Japanese Empire StartTime=3600 MissionType=INTERCEPT Loadout=AirToAir ObjectiveID=1 StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=100.0 Waypoint[01].Size=50.0 Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=516462.062500,500279.031250,1000.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=100. Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=536551.312500,509765.625000,1000.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=100. Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=527901.812500,535714.312500,1000.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=100. Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=555245.562500,542689.750000,1000.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=100. Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=540736.625000,497488.843750,1000.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=100. Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=529575.875000,485212.062500,1000.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=100. Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=100. Waypoint[08].Size=500. Waypoint[08].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[09].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[09].Speed=100 Waypoint[09].Size=500 Waypoint[09].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[09].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[10].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[10].Speed=60 Waypoint[10].Size=500 Waypoint[10].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[10].Objective=FALSE
  2. It behooves each one of us to remember with appreciation all our Veterans on Sunday. Especially so those who have sacrificed so much. WOV patched to 08. Windows XP home I have downloaded and installed Wrench's a1h Skyraider mod into WOV. The aircraft showed in the drop down menu. The CAS loadout went fine. I took off from the runway fully loaded (actually the airplane was fully loaded; I was not) with no problems and climbed out following the waypoints then I pressed Alt+N to go directly to the mission area. There I found that I could not select the A2G ordnance that was clearly loaded on board (F6). All I could select was the gun. Then I found I could not find or target the enemy. Touching base with Red Crown and asking for the location of the enemy I was told the area was clear. Then asking mission status I was told the mission was still in progress. We loitered around the area but found nothing. I pressed alt-N again and again nothing. The auto pilot could find nothing. None of my elements found anything when tasked to attack. Punching esc I was told the mission had failed. Well, I guess it did, but why? What have I done wrong? Yes, I read the readme all the way through. I made no changes in the downloaded file. I just unzipped to a folder and then copy pasted it into my aircraft folder as usual. I consulted the readme once again to be sure before testing the mod. The availability dates of the aircraft in the INI are OK. I did not previously have the A1h installed in my copy of WOV so there is no conflict with that. Any Ideas, suggestions or 'been there done thats'? Thanks.
  3. I flew a Strike mission this time. Again the loadout went fine and I made some changes in the default selection adding some nice rockets just for color and extra noise . Loudup went fine and takeoff was uneventful. I checked and there were all those neat bombs and rockets hanging from the hard points as expected. I bravely Alt-Ned to the strike area. The primary ground target popped right up as did a MiG 17 that was prowling around. I nosed over on the target (some juicy fuel tanks) and I lined them up. OOOPS. No bombs. No rockets. No nuthin' but the trusty gun. I finished off the tanks with the gun and caught some lead in my nice new SPAD for my trouble. What went wrong? As I said the loadout had gone well. The munitions were listed and they could be added or removed. The Nation Name designation in the data INI is USN and the attachment type is listed as NATO. I do not have this problem with any other plane besides this particular a1-h. In the detailed Readme ( a Wrench staple) it states no particular weapons pack is required. Any ideas? Any physically possible suggestions as to what I should do?
  4. Wrench, The other planes have no trouble finding lots of things that make great, big, satisfying booms. ;) Here attached is a copy of my default Ground Objects folder. I did not look for any friendlies but repeatedly pressing the joystick button or keyboard "E" found no enemy ground targets. Later on flying a F4J (with the Seymour Johnson tail designation. SJ is only 30 miles from here and I was delighted to find that mod.) I found loads of tanks and irritated AAA to attack. I seem to remember a couple of unsociable MiGs also dropped by to say 'hello'. No doubt it is just another one of those odd incompatibilities with my system or game setup that cannot be reproduced by anyone else. Frankly considering all the mods and edits we apply over time and the age of WOV it is surprising to me that everything usually runs so well. I thought the venerable "Spad" would be fun to fly and your work is always well worth the effort if I can get it to work for me. Thanks for replying.
  5. SFP1, Edward's KAW Campaign. This cockpit mod is a re-build of Ordway's Early MiG pits for use in ALL the 3rd Wire Series. The pit I'm interested in is the MiG-15bis. I had Pako's & Column Five's MiG-15bis installed and running with a cockpit visible. I followed the instructions to update the cockpit as far as I can tell however when I select the MiG -15 and go flying I feel quite a draft because I have no cockpit. The skins are there on the other elements and I can see my wings but I'm flying with no cockpit around me. No big problem everything is backed up. I removed the old cockpit folder and installed the new one. I've made sure the proper entries are in the proper files and everything required was copy and pasted into the M15b folder. Because the MiG has no avionics to speak of I did not have to change as many entries as was needed for the other later model MiGs. [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-15bis (Fagot) AircraftDataFile=MiG-15bis_DATA.INI CockpitDataFile=MiG-15bis_COCKPIT.ini HangarScreen=MiG-15bis_hangar.bmp LoadoutImage=MiG-15bis_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=MiG-15bis_LOADOUT.INI With Hurricane Sandy nipping at our heels having her wicked way with the poor souls hunkered down along our Outerbanks this is not my greatest concern tonight. I am however interested in figuring out the problem. Now that I have the ability to fly for both sides in this campaign I'd enjoy that improved pit. I bet the new pit in the new KAW Series 2 must be fantastic.
  6. Wrench, Here is the orig. [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=a-4b_cockpit Offset=0.0,-0.08,-0.03 Position=0.0,0.4,0.9 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 Here is Ordway's [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=MeteorF8_cockpit Offset=0.0,-0.08,-0.03 Position=0.0,4.437,0.658 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 Here is what the update added (The re-build of Ordway's Early MiG pits) [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=MeteorF8_cockpit Offset=0.0,-0.08,-0.03 Position=0.0,0.55, 0.7 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 It is raining here again and because this is such a massive storm, as it comes inland near NJ we are told to expect up to 50 MPH wind gusts from noon through 6 AM tomorrow. We might have some limbs or trees down and power outages. With all of that, no doubt, we will get off lucky compared to those in the north. Had it not been for that big cold front Sandy would have come inland here. Thanks for your help with this. No, I won't try to 'fix' Ordway's mod since it is working. ;)
  7. OK, I located the original Ordway pit mod here and installed that over the original Pasko/Column Five MiG-15bis. That runs fine and the cockpit is an obvious improvement over what I had. Naturally, all WrenchStuff being superior in every way, I would still like to get your upgrade to work if you have any ideas. Previously I had thunk that I only patched Edward's KAW campaign to the '06 patch level. However on perusal of the update log file in the main KAW folder it seems that it was updated to the SFP1 Patch v08.30.06. I do seem to recall reading somewhere that others had managed that with no problem. Maybe it is a patch issue? Anyway Ordway's pit works. The Ordway pit update /repaint did not work or if it did it worked in a way that, as my young granddaughter calls un-visible. ;) Any further help will be appreciated.
  8. Wrench, Here is a pix showing the cockpit folder. I believe I followed your Readme instructions to the letter. Now, I had not installed Ordway's mod before adding your cockpit upgrade but I did have Pasko's & Column-Five's MiG-15bis installed and running (got it here). This fact doesn't seem to matter because it is stated in the Readme: "if you're installing where you've added Mr. Ordway's Original Package, you'll need to delete ANY and ALL inis and folders that pertain to the original Ordway mod. These are designed to COMPLETELY replace them." I am attaching a pix of the updated cockpit folder. I'm lucky that I can pick your brain on this as it is apparently your mod. How you can remember something you did that long ago is a mystery to me. As for Sandy, we have been lucky this far inland at least so far. It's been overcast for several days and we've had some wind and rain but nothing like we've experienced from hurricanes before. The coast is getting battered as Sandy moves northward. The worst may come when Sandy hooks inland and merges with a cold front to explode into a huge Nor'easter. It will widen then and be so large it will still reach into eastern NC. We are told to expect 40 MPH winds or higher at that time. Looks like we'll need to feed the cat some rocks so he won't blow away. ;)
  9. SFP1 KAW Campaign Does the AI choose which of the available skins is used randomly or strictly according to the individual skin numbering in the aircraft's INI? Do you have to reorder the numbering to change the AI skin? In Edward's KAW campaign it seems the AI always chooses the Soviet Silver skin which is the texture listed first and designated 001. I have three other skins available but even when I renumber one of the others (Like NKoreanCamo) to 001 and renumber the silver skin it does not seem to work. Every skin is listed in order as it should be in the MIG-15bis INI file. Too late for SFP1 of course but I do wish there were some sort of aircraft viewer available like the built-in one in IL2-46. That way I could see a preview of what a new skin looked like before trying to run it in the game. Is there such a tool or 3rd party viewer? I haven't found one.
  10. Great! Set to Soviet they are indeed. Thanks Raven, Panama, and Gepard for your advice and information. That should do it. I've been around simming for decades mostly hanging about on the SimQH BoB forum for the past 11 but I am just now getting interested in skinning due to my years of experience using PhotoShop, this active, helpful forum and the amazing, practically infinite ability to customize this sim. On the surface (not a pun) it might seem easier to skin IL-2 '46 planes because all the aircraft templates are included with the original install and there is a built-in aircraft/skin viewer so you can Atl-Tab from PhotoShop to IL-2 and view your work in in progress in 3d. I'm really not interested in skins for that sim. Do you skin using current templates by painting over them or are blank templates for various aircraft available elsewhere? When I failed to get the other skins to load I managed to paint the nose and tail of the Soviet silver aircraft red by creating a new layer over the template and painting right over the MiG silver setting the blending mode color burn in Photoshop. Overlay mode might have worked as well. I found some WW2 era paint swatches for PS that might come in handy for skinning planes of the SFP1 Solomons Campaign recently. For the moment I am interested in the KAW mod. I was along time fan of MA and still have that on my HDD. The better graphics and the KAW campaign were what drew me to get SFP1 in the first place long after it was published. I thank you all once again for responding.
  11. SFP1 Edward's Solomons campaign. I found an interesting custom mission titled "Kill Yamamoto". I had some difficulty loading it at first but managed (with help from here) to figure out what the problem was. I fixed that and now it loads OK. File this mission under "Remarkably Hard To Win" The mission begins on the runway. The instant I pop into 3D and find myself on the runway, Red Crown notifies me our mission has failed and recommends we RTB. RTB?? Hmmmm. A quick glance around and it is abundantly clear we haven't even LEFT the base yet. How did we fail? I guess someone just forgot to say "May I?" I loaded the mission into notepad and into KMD and I cannot see an error. Since I am a novice I could easily have missed it. Is anyone familliar with this glitch or have a suggestion where to look for a fix? I just ignore RC, takeoff anyway, shoot down Yamamoto and his escort and complete the mission but it makes no difference. I am unfairly (I think) credited with a failed mission. This and one more custom mission for the Korea campaign are the only two custom missions I have found for SFP1. Naturally I am considering creating a few of my own. That is easier to do with the built-in editor in SF2 no doubt but I don't have it. Here is the mission: [MissionHeader] AircraftType=P-38H MissionMap=Solomons MissionType=INTERCEPT StartTime=07:30 StartDate=04/18/1943 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=2 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=2 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1234 AdjustStartPosition=TRUE AdjustBaseWaypoint=TRUE [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt= WeatherThickness= HasHighLayer= HighLayerAlt= FogAmount= ContrailAlt=3500 StartWindSpeed= StartWindDirection= WindGustingAmount= [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=P-38H Name=Anvil Alignment=FRIENDLY FormationType=WW2USFighter Heading=0 Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=12 Speed=0. Nation=USAF StartTime=0 MissionType=INTERCEPT Loadout=AirToAir ObjectiveID=2 StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[01].Size=50. Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=760742.187500,348632.812500,500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=714355.500000,390136.718750,500.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=613769.531250,443359.375000,500.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=565429.687500,466308.593750,500.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=541015.625000,496582.031250,500.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=527832.000000,535644.500000,500.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=555524.553571,543247.767857,500.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[08].Size=500. Waypoint[08].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[09].Position=635253.906250,461914.062500,500.000000 Waypoint[09].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[09].Size=500. Waypoint[09].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[09].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[10].Position=691406.250000,412109.375000,500.000000 Waypoint[10].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[10].Size=500. Waypoint[10].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[10].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[11].Position=761718.750000,349121.093750,500.000000 Waypoint[11].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[11].Size=500. Waypoint[11].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[11].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[12].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[12].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[12].Size=500. Waypoint[12].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[12].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[13].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[13].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[13].Size=500. Waypoint[13].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[13].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[14].Position=754500.000000,337500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[14].Speed=60 Waypoint[14].Size=500 Waypoint[14].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[14].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission002] AircraftType=G4M2 Name=YAMAMOTO Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=WW2AxisBomber Heading=120 Position=380859.375000,778180.812500,1500.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=2 Speed=83.33333588 Nation=Japanese Empire StartTime=0 MissionType=RECON Loadout=Recon StartOnGround=FALSE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=474609.375000,660993.303571,1500.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[01].Size=500. Waypoint[01].Command=MARSHAL_POINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=495535.718750,617187.500000,1500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=INITIAL_POINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=519252.232143,561104.910714,1500.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=541852.678571,496930.803571,1500.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=529622.375000,484700.531250,1500.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=60 Waypoint[08].Size=500 Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission003] AircraftType=A6M5 Name=KURUSAKA Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=WW2AxisFighter Heading=120 Position=389508.937500,784040.187500,2000.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=6 Speed=83.33333588 Nation=Japanese Empire StartTime=0 MissionType=ESCORT Loadout=AirToAir Texture= Squadron= StartOnGround=FALSE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT TargetArea= ObjectiveID=2 AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=475446.428571,660435.267857,2000.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[01].Size=500. Waypoint[01].Command=MARSHAL_POINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=495442.718750,616536.437500,2000.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=INITIAL_POINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=519252.232143,561941.964286,2000.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=541294.642857,497209.821429,2000.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=529622.375000,484700.531250,2000.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=83.33333588 Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=60 Waypoint[08].Size=500 Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE [AircraftMission004] AircraftType=A6M5 Name=SAKATO Alignment=ENEMY FormationType=WW2AxisFighter Heading=0 Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 RandomChance=100 Size=8 Speed=0. Nation=Japanese Empire StartTime=3600 MissionType=INTERCEPT Loadout=AirToAir ObjectiveID=1 StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE RatingForSuccess=80 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 AircraftNumber= SquadronMarking=-1 TextureSet=0 Waypoint[01].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=100.0 Waypoint[01].Size=50.0 Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=516462.062500,500279.031250,1000.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=100. Waypoint[02].Size=500. Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[03].Position=536551.312500,509765.625000,1000.000000 Waypoint[03].Speed=100. Waypoint[03].Size=500. Waypoint[03].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=527901.812500,535714.312500,1000.000000 Waypoint[04].Speed=100. Waypoint[04].Size=500. Waypoint[04].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=555245.562500,542689.750000,1000.000000 Waypoint[05].Speed=100. Waypoint[05].Size=500. Waypoint[05].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[06].Position=540736.625000,497488.843750,1000.000000 Waypoint[06].Speed=100. Waypoint[06].Size=500. Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[07].Position=529575.875000,485212.062500,1000.000000 Waypoint[07].Speed=100. Waypoint[07].Size=500. Waypoint[07].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[07].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[08].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[08].Speed=100. Waypoint[08].Size=500. Waypoint[08].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[08].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[09].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[09].Speed=100 Waypoint[09].Size=500 Waypoint[09].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[09].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[10].Position=500500.000000,498500.000000,0.000000 Waypoint[10].Speed=60 Waypoint[10].Size=500 Waypoint[10].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[10].Objective=FALSE
  12. OK, I made the changes from RECON to STRIKE and ran the revised mission. Instant failure of the mission once again. It comes to me there is no "objectiveID=" line for the Bettys as RECON or STRIKE. Could that be the problem?.
  13. JononathanRL: Thanks for responding. No, I haven't tried that. Since it is a "Friendly" intercept mission I didn't think it mattered what the "enemy" goal was. The Bettys have no target. I had considered giving the Bettys Henderson Field as a Recon target. I appreciate the tip. I'll give that strike idea a go.
  14. WOV does not seem to have this problem. For some reason I hear gear and other sounds but not the flaps sound . I checked to make sure flaps.wav was in the sound folder and that it was called in various aircraft inis. The wav file I had was 8 bit and everything else seemed to be 16 bit recordings so I loaded it into Reaper and rendered it in 16 bit. No joy. I made sure the flaps.wav sound worked by playing it. I guess I could just delete the file and see if the default flaps file would play from the game engine??? Anyone seen (but not heard) this before? Have and ideas? Thanks
  15. I tried renaming the Flaps.wav file to see if the game would pick from a list of default sounds buried deep in some .cat file. It didn't work. I found and extracted the Souindlist.ini and here are the pertinent entries: FlightData.Cat SoundsList.INI [Flaps] Priority=NORMAL Looped=FALSE NumBuffers=1 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=100.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [Airbrakes] Priority=NORMAL Looped=FALSE NumBuffers=1 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=100.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [Gear] Priority=NORMAL Looped=FALSE NumBuffers=1 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=100.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 I see nothing here that seems wrong. The entries are all the same but for their name including Flaps which is the only one that doesn't work. I'm completely flummoxed.
  16. I'm stumped. I was wrong about WOV. I have the same problem there too. All my system sound settings are correct. I have changed my in game settings from 16 to 24 bit. It made no difference to the Flaps sound but I think the effects sounds are better. Why just one file? What is different about the Flaps.wav?
  17. I have 2 installs of SF1 patched to '06 (Korea and Solomons) and I have WOV patched to '08.. I am running XP Home. Tonight I decided to see if I could get the 'Instant Action' option to work in KAW and Solomons. It does not work in the default install of either and will cause a CTD if you try. There seemed to have been an attempt in the Solomons campaign to get the I/A option to work. There were changes made in the I/A INI but the Options.ini was apparently missed. Thus the CTD if you tried to select I/A from the main menu. I altered the Instant Action.INI in the 'Flight' folder to reflect F-86 Hard Wings as the default US planes and the MiG-15bis as the enemy planes. I changed the map from 'Desert' to 'Korea'. I adjusted the date to 1954. Then I loaded the 'options.ini' file from the main folder and made sure the US plane listed there matched what was in the I/A INi. No problem. Instant action works great in the solomons install with one minor caveat in the KAW install. I have several F86 elements flying with me on the mission and I see them and hear them but I cannot communicate commands to them. When I hit the tab key I see the comm menu is dark and I cannot access it. This happens only in KAW ( I did the same I/A INI alterations for the Solomon's campaign using different planes of course-with no comm prob.). Single missions and campaign missions are not affected. Only the I/A missions in KAW have no comm. WOV has always run great and I/A missions always work fine. I've missed something in one of the INI I suppose. It is a minor glitch to be sure. I can live with it but I am curious about what is wrong and how to fix it.
  18. Swisher, I'm not trying to replace the default flaps sound at the moment. I just want to get the default to work. Yup mono too. Bit Rate: 176kps Sample Size: 16 bit Channels: 1 (mono) Sample Rate: 11khz Format: PCM I flew a single mission in KAW using the hard wing Sabre. I set my flaps for takeoff (no sound). When I rotated and raised the gear (nice sound) Then I raised the flaps.............nothing. Thanks for any suggestions. It's no big deal but it has me baffled and I'm curious to identify what is causing it and figure out what the solution is.
  19. Thanks guys, The flaps.wav file is definitely in the sounds folder of all my installs. Shown below is from the data.ini sound section of the hard wing Sabre. As far as I can tell I hear no flaps sound when taking off or landing in any KAW or Solomon's plane. [sound] EngineSoundName=SabreEngine DamagedEngineSound= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear As I said I checked the flaps.wav and it is now 16 bit. I'm not sure what the sample rate is 44, 16 or 11. Not sure if it makes much difference either.
  20. Raven, I checked the MiG-15 bis ini and it is listed as Soviet in my version of Edward's KAW campaign. I don't know if that is different in Wrench's version. I haven't installed that yet. So I guess having SovietFighter in the I/A INI would be correct. I noticed the Cammo skins are either listed NKorean or SovietSilver. It's an odd little glitch and I'm not sure where the control for the comms is located. I only made changes in the Options and I/A inis. Of course since the I/A option was never available to me in the KAW install before I have no way of knowing if my changes had any effect at all. Edward may have turned the comms off for some reason. I notice that in the KAW flight folder there is a 'MessagesSystem.ini in the FlightData.cat I wonder if that iNI has anything to do with the comms? Who knows, maybe in the I/A scenario your transmitter is just dead...
  21. Raven, This only happens in the KAW campaign. Now that you mention it I think it was "Soviet". I guess it should be China (or North Korea)? I'll change it to China and see what happens. Thanks.
  22. I'm not new to simming but I am new here. I purchased my first sim in the 1980s.Back then computers were chipped out of rock and they ran on steam power... Forgive me if this is a common question or has been answered before. A quick search did not turn up an answer. I have 3 SF1 installs. Edward's KAW and Solomons campaigns and WOV. KAW and Solomon's are patched to '06 and WOV is patched to '08. They are running smooth as glass under Win XP home service pack 3. I'm having a ton of fun with them and especially enjoy how customizable they are. THE PROBLEM: I have seen this problem only in the Solomon's campaign. When I set the single mission to begin on the runway in the control panel all goes well until I pop into 3D. When I do I'm on the runway alright but facing crossways on the tarmac. My prop is as dark as the inside of a black cat at midnight. If I pop out of the cockpit (F6) and release the brakes I am treated to seeing my plane come right out of another plane and taxi across the grass ignoring the runway. As they say "That just ain't right". I'm a complete novice at modding and the innards of SF but to me it looks like there is something gone wrong with some ini file somewhere not giving the planes the correct coordinates to line up on the runway or something. I've looked in the terrain folder but can't find any 'airfield' or 'runway' INI. There are 6 files in the terrain folder in the KAW campaign named Korea_airfields.ini. Nothing like that can be found in the Solomon's terrain folder though. Might be named something else though. KAW runs perfect as does WOV. Any ideas\/suggestions/ or words of deep sympathy? Thanks.
  23. Wrench, Superb! Do you ever tire of being right? Genius is a wonderful thing to observe. Years of practice and hard work behind it but so easy to implement that fix. Allies Gut! Have there been any additional ideas, prohibitions, suggestions or information added before I install your Solomons_Ver3? Thanks again.
  24. Wrench, Thanks. I know where that is and how to deal with it I think. I have your excellent Solomon's terrain V3 update but have not installed it until I get this issue resolved. I realize that nowadays you have your hands full just dealing with Gen 2 questions. It is somewhat of an imposition for me to expect you guys to be able to go backward in time to deal with my problems with Gen 1. SF2 is not available to me and isn't likely to be so I must deal with the few problems I have. I appreciate your willingness to help and reading these pages, I'm continually astonished at your extraordinary memory for details.
  25. I have the Solomon's campaign installed and find the jet flyby sound I hear when the loudout and loading screens are up oddly out of place. I found the loading.wav file in the flight folder and replaced it with a F4U flyby file I altered in Reaper and it sounds good when the loading screen comes up. Unfortunately this did not replace the jet sound for the loudout screen. Can it be done, and if so, how can I replace that loudout screen jet flyby sound as well? Thanks

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