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About gerrygreen1

  1. No probs, If I sat down and thought about it I probably could have realised the problem myself but I honestly didn't know what my monitor went to as i'm not completely computer literate and just assumed those settings were good for all. Thanks again and guess i'll leave it there and hide in a quiet corner !!!!! (mildly embarrassed :blush: )
  2. Thanks again.........but you apparently would have known not to try whereas I obviously didn't, or I wouldn't have asked.
  3. Hi guys, Thanks for the input, I have changed my mainscreen to reflect the 1360 change and also tried to change the screen res. to 1360 with no joy, still crashing. My screen res. only goes up to 1280 or something, could this be my problem??
  4. Hi all, I have recently attempted to use the 1360 menu system but after it is installed, the game crashes back to the desktop almost immediately. I have been running what i believe to be a fully patched version with the latest direct x and weapons pack (3 july 06??). Not many other mods as i have only just re installed the game after some computer issues. any help or ideas why this may be happening would be greatly appreciated, sorry if its an easy fix, do i need to change my resolution (only just computer literate). its not the end of the world as i backed up prior to the event but i would like to give it a try.

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