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I've been looking around for a pylon editor or something similar for SFG/WOV. I'm just curious if anyone knows of one.

I'm still getting used to editng the weapons pylons for aircraft and miss being able to use proggies like Lope (Lock On Pylon editor) when tweaking an aircraft. The tutorials I've seen are helpful but something like this would save a hell of a lot of time for people not familiar with coding and such...

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To date there isn't anything out there right now. I am going to assume that you want to tweak what sort of weapons can be carried by an aircraft. It is really easy, you want to get this file "How to change weapons loads" and just using a simple text editor like windows own notepad you can modify what sort weapons can be carried by an aircraft. There isn't much more coding then that. Most of the time I just copy and paste examples from other aircraft and then tweak those to other aircraft.

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Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing with the pylons (ie, introducing AIM-120s to various F-4 models). I was looking to expand the loadouts of several vehicles but I'm finding the progress slow going (Slower than I want to go anyways). I was just wondering if there was a quicker way I might have missed. Thanks fer a speedy reply :D

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