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Everything posted by SayWhat

  1. I just want to know, but would there be any support for creating a table/listing of aircraft types and making it a sticky for easy reference, say, something similar to wpnsgt's table of the units he and his crew are producing? I mean just something that would list a whole bunch of different aircraft, alphabetically or classing them via era or something and simply listing whether or not it is in production, maybe who is producing it, and if it is available? And making sure it could be edited so as to update it from time to time. I figure this would eliminate the constant "Where can I find an F-22, Su-27?" etc (which I admit to doing myself when I found this site again a few months ago :blush2:) because I'm getting the vibe that these questions are either A. Hard to answer or B. Being asked by people who aren't looking first and I figure having a quick reference guide would solve this problem mostly (there's always gonna be people asking without looking) (C. And I've noticed some folks getting pissy about people asking...)
  2. Sometimes I forget to say thank you

    Here here!
  3. Heres a test for you Virtual pilots

    Awww.... Raptor! What a jip! I wanted to be a DC-10!
  4. To the best of my knowledge one's in dev but none are complete. Give it time though :)
  5. Hey, this is a question for the modders but what are the odds of being able to integrate targeting and the mouse/free look contols? I'm thinking in terms of off boresight targeting like in LOMAC or even with Turret mounted weapons on such vehicles as the AH-1/Mi-24 etc? Would this at all be possible or is it just a pipe dream? It just occured to me last night when I was fiddling around with the Mi-24 during a CAS run...
  6. I've got a skin for the Avro Arrow but I can't seem to find a model... Sweet Voodoo Dlink!
  7. After seeing that sweet Vickers Valiant, I've been meaning to ask; Is anyone aware of any Avro Vulcans or Handley Page Victors in development??
  8. Ooh, I can't wait! I was reminded of them both a few days ago and thought it was a shame that the only recent game I saw either of them in was Ace Combat 5...
  9. I've been looking around for a pylon editor or something similar for SFG/WOV. I'm just curious if anyone knows of one. I'm still getting used to editng the weapons pylons for aircraft and miss being able to use proggies like Lope (Lock On Pylon editor) when tweaking an aircraft. The tutorials I've seen are helpful but something like this would save a hell of a lot of time for people not familiar with coding and such...
  10. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing with the pylons (ie, introducing AIM-120s to various F-4 models). I was looking to expand the loadouts of several vehicles but I'm finding the progress slow going (Slower than I want to go anyways). I was just wondering if there was a quicker way I might have missed. Thanks fer a speedy reply :D
  11. Or you could just grab a Flyable Il-28 here... (assuming of course that WOV and SFP models are indeed modular) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?dlcategory=23 Scroll down, it's the second model... And there's a Cub here (about the 18th down) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=d...date&order=DESC
  12. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Just found your Melbourne skin the other day. Good to be seeing skyhawks shot off her again after, what? 24 Years? Your ADF stuff is gold! Keep it up! Any Chance of a Mirage IIIEO in the future maybe??
  13. Or an AC-130 making sure the enemy keeps their heads down...?
  14. Cheers, it's just a shame to see these sites with these swoit models only to find broken links. But like you said, it has been out fer a while... Still, even without thrust vectoring and high tech explosive toys, it's always fun to pimp out a sukhoi like so... Pimped_Out_Su_34.bmp
  15. Am I right in assuming that these skins here... http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/skins3.htm ...are for the USAF build of SFG/WOV? I mean, there are some sexy Su27s, 35s Rafaels etc, models in these previews and I've seen a few posts here and there saying that USAF aircraft can port over to SFG/WOV because of the similarities in game engine or something. Is this true? See, not having discovered this game until a few days ago (wasting my time on LOMAC dammit!) I'm only just now discovering that 2 in 3 SFG links seem to be dead. And I'm forever searching for a Flanker.... I know there's a tasty Su33 in development (saw shots either here or at Biohazard, can't remember) but there'd be some models floating around wouldn't there? (Just going by the number of Phantoms and skyhawk remodelled and retextured for download) I won't even ask about the EF2k... Aside from the flight sim of the same name, it seems the only place I would be able to find one would be in Ace Combat or something. It's a shame... Times like this I wish I could actually make the mods too instead of just being able to move mud :)

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