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Ilya A Floatplane Alpha Released!

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In fear that a proper skin may never be done for her, I have decided to pull everything together and release this old kite as an alpha. That's not to say she's not functional or fun to fly! ;) You will need FS-WWI Plane Pack 4 installed for this add-on to work, as always check the readme file! There are some things that may look at bit rough... Things left to do are:


Portholes needed to be painted in

A proper set of missions

A proper paint job

Beta testing

Hangar stats

A better Hangar picture once a proper skin is done


If you would like to start on a skin, please let me know and I can send you what color profiles I have.


I hope you guys enjoy this one!


Download here: Ilya A Floatplane Alpha


Please post any bugs or comments here. :)

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