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Mud Moving and damage effects

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Being an Mud Mover,

I'd like to see better visuals on the ground-side damage effects, for instance: I strafed an enemy airbase runway/buildings with rockets and guns, I saw some small expolsions but no visible indication that anything was damaged. (other than fuel storage drums) The in-air explosion/damage models are very nicely done but the ground needs more work.


I also sank a ship with guns only, it sank in like 3 seconds or so?

I'd like to see this worked on some.


I just got the game and never had the Wal-Mart version, that being said I can't make a true assesment of it until I've had some stick time in two or more birds. So far though, the flight models are nice, I really felt like I was in a dated aircraft, after flying the likes of Flanker Falcon and JFA-18


It's a very nicely done Sim but no doubt there still some work to follow.




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Seems almost like the whole "ground" portion of the game may need work from listening to you fellas. No flak or AAA, ground crashes you survive(!), damage modeling on the ground targets is poor to non-existant. I espesially didnt like the part about the ships. I also understand the ground graphics arent so good. Any comment on that BirdDogg?

Well, here's hopin Third Wire is listening to this. They have left out or mostly undone a MAJOR part of the game. I was glad to hear TK say that the editor at least will be included in a future release. I hope to get the game tonite so I'll see for myself I suppose. Hope its worth the money. Ive really been lookin forward to a game like this.

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PC Pilot,

here's my run down on the ground:


Graphics are nicely done. The textures are pretty clean and do not look tiled IMHO. I haven't had it long enough to give it a review, just some immediate observations. As for getting it?, I'd say it's your call, I will say this though, I will not be returning my copy :)


However there's still some unfinished business to be handled and I'm sure TK and Crew will address them, keep the faith. I've been used to more ground invironment (Falcon, USAF, IL2, even Janes WWII fighters) along with special effects. So far, in Project 1 we have effects, but the special is not there :(


Don't get me wrong this is by no means a bashing, cause there's nothing really to harp on with this sim (outside of the AAA/SAMS) just some things that I feel are, or should be standard given the age and maturity of the Combat Sim Genre.


It will take a patch or two to get things up to par. I remember when I bought Janes USAF, outta the box it was barely playable with the dorked-up Flight models! And we all know the Falcon 4.0 road to success :shock: *whew.. wipes forhead*


Baring those and others *cough, Gunship cough* that came before in mind, Strike Fighters is on par with everyone else IMHO. Get it, explore it, enjoy it for what it is and IHMO what it will be!


Good Luck with your choice


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Oh dont worry too much about me bird dogg, hehe, Ill be gettin the game. Ive waited too long for this one. I think it is like everyone says though...this game has a lot of potential. I just hope its realized. I tend to agree with you and feel TK and crew will square this baby away givin a little time.

By the way, thank you for your comments. It actually sounded a lot more positive than I thought it would. Cant wait... :)

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PC Pilot,

I Played it for four straight hours last night, using the different aircraft, after some fine tuning (button mapping and graphics tweaks) I can now say it is a Very, Very nice Sim.




Comms: Very Nicely done, can't say enough about them :D


Stability: Not a single CTD in over 4 hours of play. :D


Flight Models: Love'em :D


Sounds: Good, could be a little more powerful on the explosion :?


This Sim so far, is what I hoped USAF would've been out of the box. That said, PCPilot, I hope you were able to get a copy.


Once again TK and Crew if your reading this I applaud you and your Teams efforts in developing this Sim, you have a Classic in the making here!


Happy Hunting




System Specs: AMD 1.4, G-Force2 Pro, 256 DDR2100, SoundBlaster Live

Windows 98SE Saitek X45 HOTAS

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Uh..I noticed something here..when flying near a ground target, target it then hit F5..the T55's are very nicely done, moving turrets etc...I went down to strafe some..and got my rear stab blown off by a lucky shot from a T55 main gun..course..I pulled out at 50 feet..he just pulled the trigger as I went by..entered one hella cartwheel at about 300 knots..couldn't figure out where all the smoke was comin from..


guess it just depends on what yer shootin at..but lack of flack and sams is evident..and posted in the bugs list I might add



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