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File Name: F-4J_Sp3

File Submitter: BUFF

File Submitted: 11 Nov 2004

File Updated: 14 Nov 2004

File Category: SF Add-On Aircraft


Official F-4J addon updated for Sp3.


This add-on contains all the components necessary to play the "J" model Phantom II used by the US Navy and US Marine Corps. It includes new external 3d model, 3d virtual cockpit model, hangar screen, a new loading screen, and several dog-fighting single mission files.


F-4J Phantom II, built between 1966 and 1972, is the second and the final version of the Phantom to be produced for the Navy and Marine Corps. It was designed to replace the original F-4B model, and it incorporates many of the lessons learned from years of fleet service and combat experience over Southeast Asia. The F-4J is powered by more powerful J79-GE-10 engines, rated at an afterburning thrust of 17,900 pounds each. Its approach speed is decreased from 157 mph to 144 mph by introduction of slotted stabilator and "drooped" ailerons, which makes a downward deflection of 16.5 degrees the "neutral" aileron deflection when the flaps are deployed. Externally, F-4J model is distinguishable from F-4B model by its lack of nose chin pod, which used to house the infrared search and tracking device in the B model.


F-4Js were used extensively by the US Navy and Marine Corps in the last stages of the Vietnam War. On May 10, 1972, Lt Randall H. "Duke" Cunningham and Lt(jg) William P. Driscoll of VF-96 Fighting Falcons, flying F-4J Phantom II with radio callsign "Showtime 100," shot down three MiGs in less than 6 minutes to become the first American aces over Vietnam. They were also the first F-4 aces, and first to make all their kills with air-to-air missiles.


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