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Firecage Plane Fest V1.5 Update

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1) The time between missions has been reduced to 5 normal and 4 if offensive is going on. This gives a bit longer in each plane than I had before.

2) I am now including an additional mod that was originally from MontyCZ. I took a 2 man bunker with sandbags and made the one NPC firing the weapon to shoot rifle rounds. He will take pot shots at you if you are flying low and close enough. The game likes to set them at bases and towns so be warned. Install directions are included here as well..

3) I have Gr. Viper permission to put his “Machine Gunner” Mod that he developed and I have it now included in this pack as well. Thank you Gr. Viper .


These last two mod’s will now given you flak, machine guns and random rifle fire to the campaign and makes it where you just never know who is out to kill you. If you get down low to the ground don’t be surprised if some one in a sandbag bunker takes a pot shot or two and the machine gun nests are after you as well.


The new plane list that is needed for this Campaign to work are:

French :




N11 ** New

N24 ** New







Pup ** New




Dolphin ** New


German :







Dr1 **(needs my Firecage Hard FM pack if you fly on hard mode.)****


All of these planes are available through the DL section of Combat Ace




Through Capun and The A Team at


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Sounds good Firecage. Look forward to giving this a go :smile:

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