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Lord Flasheart

New Mannock skin query

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Hello folks.


Just been trying to download the new Mannock skin from the downloads section. I have put the folder into the SE5A folder, and copied the text from the texture set file into the text of the config data file, but it still doesn't seem to appear in the loadout screen.


Please can somebody who has done this successfully tell me where I'm going wrong?



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First, make sure you don't have a folder within a folder, that is a common error that I've also done before :blush:


Second, I don't think you have to alter the config with FE, the game will do it for you (just FYI in the future). In fact try going back to the stock file in case there is a nomenclature error somewhere...


Also, has anyone else noticed the file size on that skin? It is 10.8 MB compressed, while others don't go over 4 MB... I haven't looked into it any further than that (like uncompressed file size yet or play testing), but it may be resource heavy...

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The texture at first didn't show up in the loadout for me either, so the ini edit was necessary... as long as the bmp fies themselves are right in the same folder, the skin should work.

Oh, I think I got it

The texture set ini says [TextureSet003].. my own edit was 002] and it worked as I only had one default skin installed.

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Judging from these enquiries, there seems to have been a few teething problems with this skin and for that I can only apologise. I've been involved with drawing for years and feel fairly competent with that but on the uploading side I'm a mere novice and obviously have got one or two bits out of sync. Thanks to all who have since sorted it for me one way or another. I promise I'll get better at it, hope it hasn't spoilt any enjoyment. I see there was mention of the size of file. As an explanation, I initially resample the 72dpi templates to 144 in order to have a bigger surface to work on and so increase the level of detail, hence the increase. Personally I haven't had any problems flying the skin and I only operate on a 'dinosaur' of a comupter with a slightly overclocked AMD 1.1 gig processor and an old Radeon 7200 graphics card.

Anyway many thanks for the feedback.

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I believe all you need to do to get the skins to work is to place the sub folder RAF Mannock from the compressed file into the SE5a folder. The game will adjust the settings automatically.



Edited by sinbad

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I believe all you need to do to get the skins to work is to place the sub folder RAF Mannock from the compressed file into the SE5a folder. The game will adjust the settings automatically.





Thanks chaps. I think Gr Viper has it. I only have the one default skin for the SE5 too. So I should edit the INI file with this texture as [002] rather than [003]. Will give that a go and see how we get on.

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