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I've Already painted it with GimpShop and imported it into StrikeFighters TerrainEditor.



.....my problem is that I can't seem to find a way to level the target areas and airfields in the terrain properly.....


every time i level them with Terrain Editor, I get a CTD when I try to play with it in-game. :dntknw:



.....please help :sorry: [with a cherry on top :grin: ]

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Guest Saganuay82

Do you have all of the terrain files in place? data.ini, target.ini, types.ini and so on? You tiled it? The HFD and TFD are in the folder? You made a cities.ini, You are using a texture.ini? Which one? Why did you paint it in Gimp? Why don't you use Wrenches WW2 Libya?


Oh so many more questions. But good for you though, we do need more terrain guys. I'll tell ya, BLT showed me how to start on the TE, it takes time.

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Why did you paint it in Gimp? Why don't you use Wrenches WW2 Libya?


Let's just say I do not have "Photoshop money" right now, and i do my best with what i have :biggrin:


Yaahhhh, i thought about it, but it just doesn't suit the criteria I am going by (see, the 332nd FG started with the 99th FS in North Africa, and eventually fought their way all the way up through Southern Europe, and eventually met hostile forces from Berlin, hence the need for a larger map :grin: ) I am THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX, making skins even for aircraft based in England at the time---a MEGA MOD :crazy:


but i'll see about all those files you talked about, that's probably the problem :yes:

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Guest Saganuay82

I still don't understand why you painted it. Gimp or Photoshop doesn't matter. You do have the DEM for the area you want to model? Or are you planning on trying to import height data from a BMP?

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I still don't understand why you painted it. Gimp or Photoshop doesn't matter. You do have the DEM for the area you want to model? Or are you planning on trying to import height data from a BMP?


I already imported the height data from the BMP. It's just that I'm still adding airfields, and the one's that I've added so far, I attempted to level with TE and gain some in-game screens while I play on it. The height map data and textures are in, it's just that the airfields won't work.....

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Guest Saganuay82

So you should have a cities list. This is where you make your cities / airfields. You would define it in size and position and then save it. Hit save on the main under File and it writes that new city into a "Yourterrain"_targets_proto.ini. Then you have to take that information and move it over to your "yourterrain"_targets.ini. The below that information you would have to add a city target info or airfield information.


Once you have saved it into the targets_proto then you can flatten airfields. Cities list BTW is the targets_proto.ini


One thing I do is watch the placement of the targets by using Kreelin's mission editor. Open a map up of your terrain and make the changes in the targets.ini and open the map again and you can see the changes as you make them.

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So you should have a cities list. This is where you make your cities / airfields. You would define it in size and position and then save it. Hit save on the main under File and it writes that new city into a "Yourterrain"_targets_proto.ini. Then you have to take that information and move it over to your "yourterrain"_targets.ini. The below that information you would have to add a city target info or airfield information.


Once you have saved it into the targets_proto then you can flatten airfields. Cities list BTW is the targets_proto.ini


One thing I do is watch the placement of the targets by using Kreelin's mission editor. Open a map up of your terrain and make the changes in the targets.ini and open the map again and you can see the changes as you make them.


Oooooooh :blink: OK :biggrin:


Off to try it out, be back later :ok:

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Since you are painting the bmp directly, just paint flat spots where you want them... Airfields need a flat space; it doesn't matter if you paint them flat or the TE lays them. You are importing the 256 color TE pallette back in, aren't you?... :wink:



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Guest Saganuay82

Something else to get also is Keith Bedfords SFMap tool.

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