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nieuport 17 with 2 gun

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nieuport 17 with 2 gun

hello :biggrin:


This is just a mod of the original Nieuport 17 to represent an model with Fixedly mounted on the fuselage and firing in synchronization through the propeller arc.


thanks to MontyCZ ,Texmurphy for the original Nieuport 17 and to Capun,whightknight 06604 for allowing me to use his wing gun plane. :ok:


Any questions or comments


Combatace handle CHRISTIAN59


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Nice1 Christian,

I cant get the gun 2 show , Text is there but gun dont show up on plane ,is invisable but muzzle flash is in the right place ,cheers m8

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in the Nieuport 17 with wing gun you will find a add to weapon folder


it will add the weapon on your plane


or i have add a topic in the general discution



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