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Okay EWS v1.0 done (nearly!)

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Its been a mammoth task...but have finished, and will start uploading over next few days.


Starting a new thread, so if any one has comments on the planes, they can post here


Final comments.


The FMs are designed for Hard FM. They work in Normal of course, but in Normal there's a couple of points I'd make. First, the planes are different in Normal and Hard - example Martinsyde in hard, climbs ok, rolls well, not much turn ability, whilst in Normal, it climbs very well, rolls less, turns far better, ie, its a different plane and so is the game. More so for earlier planes. Its is not possible to design FMs to be consistent in both Hard and Normal. Second reason relates to the AI -the AI are very good in Hard, tuned by me for Hard (ie, easier than I could have done them), and in Normal you cannot really have a good AI. The reason is twofold. Mainly as the player has an enormous advantage in climb playing Normal, but also as the AI seem to be programmed to "cut and run" if its easily outturned or outclimbed, rather than "fight to the death" if you like.


The files will be available in packs according to 3D modellers - seems appropriate, we wouldn't have a game without their excellent and talented work. Thank you to them all for allowing me to do the FMs or alternative ones. Especially Bort and Charles, who have been very encouraging.


Should for a change too thank TK. For the game of course. But for the FMs in the sense that they are very sophisticated, and because I have at times reused some of the really difficult stuff, and other parts either TK did very well (the Se5a and Salmson are superb FMs, no doubt at all), or because when you look carefully at how some of the nicer touches were done you can do start trying it yourself.


The zip files generally have all the data.inis (the FMs) in the correct folders, so you just drag and drop - see the readme files.


Borts are first off the rank - as always, in my case. :good:


There are 39 FMs. All different to all other versions of mine currently available. The smallest mod was to the Martinsyde, just added better rudder. The Eindeckker FMs tho similar are quite toned down in capability - so if you like uber planes keep the ones you have, or backup as i have deleted the previous version downloads. these are much better in every way. All of my FMs for Borts late 1916 planes Fokkers, Halbs, Albs are completely redone.


The planes do fit with the later planes, at least most. For example Camel, Dr1, Se5a, Salmson, N24, N28. The Albatros DVa is badly underdone IMO tho. See what TK does in his update. They fit reasonably well as player aircraft too with N11, N17, and especially the SpadVII from the Ateam. But I'd say my AI are more capable, and for many of the later planes too for that matter - but Dr1 and Camel are excellent, and some can be made to be very good too, eg, Se5a. i might do this later - and have already started to do this for my game anyhow.


A couple of the very very early biplanes have too much climb, eg Avros. Just couldn't get them to work as effective AI without problems otherwise. Its a challenge, and I'm keen to make a really really good very early contraption, but need a break first. However, you won't be successful against EA in this, and they can be dangerous opponents, and the AI fly these and other early biplanes a bit differently to the monos - done for variety in the 1915 period, and something extra to shoot down in my favs the MSH and MSL.


So apart from plans on redoing the Avros sometime in the future, unless there are major issues...this is it, for the time being. Its likely that the AI as well as other things will change in TKs update, and that will be interesting, so its likely I'll "rebalance" some time after then. Thats my intention. So let me know please what you think before then....good bad or indifferent. It is hard working in isolation/without feedback when a lot if not most have probably strong opinions about it.


Lastly, feel free to use/mod/whatever my FMs and make them available for redistribution. Its fine by me, welcome this in fact, with only one proviso: if using others 3D models contact the original 3D modellers first for permission. Bort has already stated publically its okay, so his/mine are fine. The others will not object - actually, on the contrary, they will be very supportive. Its a good example they have set, good for the game, good for all....and I'm now following this lead as well by letting my FMs be used (or abused :smile: ).

Edited by peter01

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As an afterthought, thought I'd make available some of the missions I use. Basically 1:1 dogfights, same terrain, same spot actually, all clear weather (good for testing, quick dogfights), for most if not all the planes I have done.


The namimg is a bit odd I guess. The are all called "Entente FokkerB2" or similar with different plane names of course, which means you'll be flying an allied/entente plane against the Fokker B2 in this case. The Central/German ,issions are all called "Central Dh2" or similar. Sometimes at the end there is LA, HA, VHA to denote the altitude, LA for Low, HA for high, VHA for very high altitude. Again this was for testing purposes.


When you fly an "Entente....." mission it will be in either a Dh2 or N17 or MSL (I think) as defaults, but you can change this to any other plane that would be available at that time when you play the mission. For Central missions it usually defaults to Fokker E3.


One issue, why it was an afterthought to make them avaialble, is that when testing I set all FM plane dates to 01/1916, as I can then use all planes for all missions. EG, AlbD3 can fly against the DH2 (default date is mid 1916 for this mission), Saves me doing many missions with different dates, but at same time dates are "somewhere" in 1916 - there is no logic/forethought on this. So, with correct dates for planes in FMs, you may not be able to fly an Alb against the Dh2 if the mission date is set to mid 1916 etc. As there are about 80 missions had no intention of doing them yet to cover all periods but will in the future as I play the game, and will probably then make them available at CA's download section.


In meantime it probably will work okay, you can always change the date, or better copy the mission and have a second mission with a different date.



EDIT:AHHHHH Do not use this file!!!! The AI are my AI, have the "AI_" in front of the plane name. Again for testing purposes. I'll fix and repost, put some different dates too!! Sorry, should have learnt by now not to do things in a rush.




PS There you go, uploading zip files works...don't know why I didn't try or see this before :blush:

Edited by peter01

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cool!!! I will fire um up , will be great for my skin testing also

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Thanks Peter,


FM's and supplementary missions!!! Does it get better? :good:

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Guest Charles

This a great set of FMs for these early-War aircraft. I highly recommend them.

Thanks a lot, Peter.

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