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I’ve been doing some research into the Korean War and found a description by the C.O. VF-54 Skyraiders who made the actual bombing run on the Toko-Ri bridges in December 1951. Apparently 2000lb air blast bombs were used to knock out the 57 anti-aircraft facilities guarding the bridges. I’m making a sim of this raid but can’t find any air blast bombs listed in the weapons arsenal ( weapons’ editor) but I have to say I don’t know what all the bomb code references mean so it might be in the list but I just can’t find it.


Does anyone know if a 2000lb air blast bomb is in the latest weapons pack and if so the name of it? :dntknw::dntknw:



I guess Bunyap or Wrench might know.


P.S. This is one of my serious questions!!

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