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possible campaign bugs

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On some missions where you have to take down aircraft entering the area, as soon as you jump in you get a mission fail.(not starting on the ground)


cant seem to take the runways out, have dropped everythign on them and nothing will take it out. Dont know if I am doing it wrong or what but I can confirm my bombs do hit the runway.

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Its known and reported about A2G damage..also about wings not attacking a2g targets as they should..


ON the mission Failed type..you also have to protect a package..its best to start from the runway on the missions to figure out what exactly needs to be done..check with the Radar intercept to see whats what..most of the time you are intercepting fighters going after a friendly strike formation..If the formation gets shot down..mission failed..starting from the runway you can link up with the strike package..then fly ahead of em to find your intercept.



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