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What am I doing wrong?

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I just downloaded FE (not w/ the expansion) from TW and I've been playing around a bit in the SPAD.


Here's my problem; I'm getting shot out of the sky every time I go up, and I'm having a hell of a time trying to get into postion to make a shot. These planes fly like kites and I think I'm just not used to how they handle, but does anyone have any tips that could helpl me be a bit more successful? :dntknw:


Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Yes go into the options at the main menu and under the controls tab turn the sensitivity down on the Joystick. THis will keep it from over reacting.


Also make sure the add the patch thats out to the original release. http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_fe.htm

You might try and read the area at the top of these forums and make sure you have some of the temp fixes in place to help the game. This game has a lot of you doing skins, planes, AA mods , etc.. So there will be a wealth of info there.


The spad is a funny plane and requires a bit more finesse than others in this game. Its one of the only planes that has a spinstall feature that will kill you if it gets a chance. If you hit that flat spin you best have about 2000 feet at least to try and recover. In Dogfights using a spad I try and do hi yo yo's and come down and attack while gaining speed for the next upwards loop of the yo yo.


Hope this helps you some.


btw turn of shadows it will eat frame rates really hard of some machines. :good:

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