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No doubt here. KOTOR2 was shaping up to be even better...and then you get to last 1/3 of the game. :bad:

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too true! felt the same, it felt like...wait we have to finish the game by Tuesday? Ooo...and then you go to Malachor and...


yep...when you see snippets of some of the stuff (like HK-factory) that was cut, makes it sadder...

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Of course, what has LA done since then?

We haven't had a Jedi Knight game in over 4 years.

We haven't had an X-wing type game in NINE years.

We had SW Battlefront 1 and 2 (also released a year apart, like KOTORs) but that was now 2.5 yrs ago since the last one.

Other than that joke MMO Galaxies, Empire at War is the only recent SW game other than the Lego trilogies. EAW is a fine game and all, but strat games are a bit impersonal and I'd like something more up close and personal.

That's why I will likey get a 360 just to play Force Unleashed!

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Yeah, EAW was OK...but it was WAY too rock/paper/scissors and Gal-Civ was much better for me...


Of course I still have to install that BF2142 mod, but that is not by LA any way

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