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Spad VII Skins and Misc

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Spad VII Skins and Misc

Little Spad VII hop up



Cockpit.ini and Spad7_180.ini

Hanger Screen

Widescreen and normal loading Screen

Default tan textureset (replacement for stock if you wish)

Escadrille 103 (Les Cigones) textureset and decals (Tan)

Escadrille 31 (Hoplite Archer) textureset and decals (Tan)

Escadrille 48 (Rooster) textureset and decals (Tan)

Escadrille 65 (Dragon) textureset and decals (Tan)

Escadrille 81 (Grayhound) textureset and decals (Camo)

Escadrille 94 (Running Reaper) textureset and decals (Camo)

Escadrille 3 (Les Cigones) textureset and decals (Tan)

Escadrille 3 (Les Cigones) Alternative with Stripe textureset and decals (Tan)


Escadrille 3 is skinned to a higher degree than the other Escadrille with personal markings and semi accurate paint jobs/numbers


The French seemed to paint all their aircraft individually so many compromises were necessary


The Folder structure is a little unusual (trying to save space)

Straight under the SPAD7_180 folder there is a Decal folder (combined for all the new decals) and Folders for all the new Texturesets

The main Tan Skins live straight in the SPAD7_180 folder as well so all the tan textureset’s can access then (some textureset folders have replacements depending on Escadrille)


If you haven’t already done so you will need to extract the Spad XIII cockpit from the ObjectData.CAT into a separate cockpit folder under the SPAD7_180 folder if you wish to fly the SPAD7_180 (the two .ini’s provided point to a cockpit folder and make a few changes to the 13’s cockpit but they are not necessary if you have already done this)


If you will need to use the provided SPAD7_180.ini if you wish to use the provided hanger and loading screen (or alter your own ini)

There’s a wide screen version of loading screen in the folder “widescreen loading pic” just copy it over the existing pic or delete it depending on your needs


I suggest you unzip this Download to a temp folder first and take what you need to the SPAD7_180 folder.

Please remember to back up any files that may be overwritten in the SPAD7_180 folder first

These Skins should work fine for the SPAD7_150 as well but the .ini files will be different


Please feel free to use these skins and decals for your own work (non-profit only)


Hope you enjoy them




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