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Anti-shipping mission problem

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Minor technical problem, I've patched SF-Gold to the latest service pack, and now the anti-ship missions don't work. What I mean is that I can setup the missions and the aircraft, and there are no ships out there. I know I have ships in my SF-G, but each object is in a separate folder in the GroundObjects folder, is that correct, or should they all be in the GroundObjects folder?

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Minor technical problem, I've patched SF-Gold to the latest service pack, and now the anti-ship missions don't work. What I mean is that I can setup the missions and the aircraft, and there are no ships out there. I know I have ships in my SF-G, but each object is in a separate folder in the GroundObjects folder, is that correct, or should they all be in the GroundObjects folder?

Hi Sherrif, the ground objects in the latest patched versions of the TW games are in their own folders in the Objects/GroundObject folder. The object should have the same name (exactly) as the folder it's stored in, so, for example, the carrier that comes with Task Force 58 (see here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5438) will appear in folder named "CV-59" in the Objects/GroundObject folder. The ini file that defines the model within that folder will be named "CV-59.ini" and so on for each object. Aircraft are similarly named after their folder name.


Reference to a ground object in a mission file (.msn) will reference the object exactly as named in the GroundObject folder - for example:




Name=USS Saratoga
















Hope this helps, regards, comrpnt. :-)

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