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Alright guys im in the process of getting enough cash to get a gaming laptop and have been looking at Ibuypower.com and found a gaming laptop for under a grand and it has the features that I want. However I have been reading conflicting reviews on the website but I also had the same problem when ordering my moped and the reviews were wrong. So what do you guys suggest

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Sager Notebook. Theirs plenty of retailers of the brand. I bought my NP9262 through Exotic PC.

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Took a look on that brand and the Gaming larptop im lookin at costs a grand and has a everything im lookin for and costs less. It's called the Battalion 101 FX-922Z

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Never mind took a look at xoticpc.com and they have some damn nice looking machines! Thanks suhsjake I think I will be getting the Sager NP2092 from them

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