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Welcome To The New Biohazcentral Forums!

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I have a bunch of design work left to do, but the biohaz forums have been converted to InvisionBoard. It will take a little while to get used to the changes, but I think you guys are really going to love the new features. I'll post a rundown of all the cool new stuff this weekend, but start by checking out the My Controls link on the top right menu. You can fully customize the board the way YOU want it to look and feel. Another cool feature is the My Assistant link in the top right as well. Play with them, don't be afraid... :P


If you notice any problems, missing posts, glitches or general weirdness please let me know in the Bug Reports/Suggestions forum and I'll get it fixed ASAP.


I will change the color scheme (Skin) later today, but I wanted to get this up and running quickly.

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