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Aeron - Air combat Maneuvering Simulator

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Hey guys


I've seen a bit of discussion around here about the dim future of flight sims. I hope to shine a little light here.


Aeron is an open source BFM trainer which emphasizes simplicity in visuals, relatively realistic physics, extreme A.I, simple and easy controls, and no avionics. It uses abstract graphics, rather than epic intensive graphics, allowing it to run on old dumpster hardware. A lot of effort has been put into the A.I to make it put up a good fight to even an experienced BFM pilot. While the physics is nowhere near commercial or military simulators that have prop wash and everything, it certainly ain't no HAWX or Ace Combat.


If you're looking for a minimalistic BFM trainer without having to worry about 500 keys in the cockpit or 70+ step jet start procedures or having to read F-16 Dash1 manual, this is exactly what Aeron aims to achieve.


Supports network multiplayer, joystick input (recommended), and even supports recording to TacView format ACMI.


Link to website & download:



Youtube trailer:


Demo TacView format ACMI:

Me versing my brother (who is a beginner :D)


A.I. showoff:


You'll need a free program called TacView to view these: http://lomac.strasoftware.com/tacview-en.php
















Also, It'd be cool if any real-life jet workers can say something positive, or any simulator fans can take a quick photo of their ten-thousand-dollar sim cockpit running aeron :)




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Gonna give it a try.

Visual style seems inspired by A New Zero and Ramjets by Cryptic Sea :biggrin:

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