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Min Max extents

Original readme file by Vernon


Note only tested on max9 but “should” work apparently on the earlier versions

Before you run max

Copy the script to your “3dSmax\scripts” directory

Run max

Go Menu > Maxscript > Run Script

Navigate (if you need to) to the “3dSmax\scripts” Directory and select minmaxextents.mcr

Nothing will happen ;-)

Go menu > Customize > Customize user interface

Under either the Keyboard OR the Toolbar Tab…

Select Utilities from the Category Dropdown

Assign the (hopefully visible) “Min Max Extents” script to either a keyboard shortcut or drag the icon up on to a toolbar



With a model open, run the script and it will prompt you for a text file name to save the output to

Once its finished it “should” open notepad for you to copy/paste the output into your data.ini

Otherwise just open the saved file in any text editor for the same result


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It is really very good.simplifies You work and saves you time.

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