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Test Mission

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This might already exist, but it would be nice to have a mission that has heavy load on graphics and doesn't require skilled piloting (even better automated). Lately I have been spending a lot of time testing and testing and something like this would make my job easier. Since this sim requires a lot of fiddling, I imagine many others would find this valuable too.


Any ideas on good existing missions I could use?

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pretty sure that if you want to test your settings,,get low around a big city (paris or london)...or get low in an area with alot of trees..


thats going to put alot more strain on your fps than a 20vrs20 at 10,000 ft.




save this to your cfsww1 off\missions\historical folder


start OFF,,select multiplayer,,,,hit start/fly at next window,,and select missions medal at next screen....find the se5 vrs dr11 over paris mission,,,,and fly it...


you will be low over the city,,,and eventually will encounter the dvii's.....


the twisting and turning during the dogfight at that altitude with all those houses will stress your settings enough.

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