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A-6 And Ka-6 For Fs9 To Be Released Soon!

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Chief, did you see this A-4 payware package just released








Flight Simulator 2002 Pro & Flight Simulator 2004:








$15.51 USD/12.99 EUR

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Hey Topgun,


Thanks for the tip. Nope, I had not seen it. Looks like a quality product, though.


This morning, I downloaded my first payware aircraft from Alphasim. A few months back, one of their designers provided me with a free copy of their A-7. Nice aircraft, but to be truthful, I was a little disappointed in it.


This morning I downloaded the Alphasim RA-5C. Not too expensive at 9 bucks. Very good looking aircraft, and nice cockpit. Nothing spectacular, but very clean.


The ONLY thing I don't like about it so far, is the apparent lack of speedbrakes. Unless I am just not finding the proper key to actuate them, I am not sure that speedbrakes are even in the Alphasim model of the Viggie.


I wrote Alphasim. They replied, saying they had forwarded my inquiry to the RA-5C designer. I have not heard back from him yet.


Also, Nick (Jinks) emailed me this morning, to let me know that Alphasim has posted a lot of their aircraft in their freeware section. Lots of aircraft that was formerly payware.


A lot of it won't work with FS9, though; you need to check it all.


Go Navair!


Navy Chief

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Just curious, with all these military aircraft, has MS gotten the message and added a way to bomb and shoot? Would love to dogfight in this sim, then land for a beer at San Diego... :D


Also, which addon is it that adds carriers? I DO want to try my hand at deck landings.

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PC, there are a few ways to get the carriers.


Flight Deck 3 from Abacus, the planes are really worth it but the nice Gmax carrier and official arrcab utility. www.abacuspub.com


There is an updated carrier package for 2004 but you can't launch from them with out either FD3 or a 3rd party addon.



RCBCO_11.zip package uses gauges for trapping and cat launch


I sure wish MS would smarten up and do a modern military FS sim instead of their WWII crap.


When people are dropping $30 for single military addons they are really missing the boat...

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An update on my contacts with Alphasim.


I received a nice email from the designer of the RA-5C for Alphasim. He thanked me for my interest, and attached two files for the problem I have with the speedbrakes on the Viggie. Only problem is, even though I installed the files, the aircraft still will not decelerate quickly enough for landings. There must be a way to alter the cfg file to slow the aircraft down more for landing. But the aircraft is beautiful, and I am impressed with the quick response from Alphasim, and the aircraft designer.


Navy Chief

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Chief, can you post the CFG and I'll take a look at it or pass on the info to someone who might be able to make the flaps have more drag.


I don't need the texture entries, just everything below that.

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