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Guest Ranger332

LOL what da heck is a posting freak

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Guest Ranger332

:shock: :red:

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Geesh Ranger!

ya' know that somthing is wrong when the admin has LESS POST THAN YOU DO! : :shock:



Merry Christmas Everyone!




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MadJeff, LV426? Where is that exactly? Its not a ship, is it?

A hint... Marines, Bughunt, Let's ROCK!!

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Bingo. The planet was designated LV426, or Acheron. My favorite movie of all time... :D


I wonder if we could model the dropship for Project-1. I have the 3DS model... =)

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I'll work on a FM for it...that ship rocks! And that was THE greatest movie of all times!

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QUOTE: Geesh Ranger!

ya' know that somthing is wrong when the admin has LESS POST THAN YOU DO!



LOL! I remember when Ranger started posting and thinking to myself, "WOW! This guy is a post freak!" LOL! ...just kidding Ranger. I love pulling old soldier's chains, it was in my NAVY job description... :lol::wink:


MadJeff, one of my favorite movies too. Do you have the game Aliens vs. Predator?

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Yeah, I picked it up not too long ago from the bargain bin but couldn't ever get it to work right. On my Athlon 1800+ with a Radeon and I couldn't ever get better than about 3 fps... I finally tossed it on the shelf.

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Guest Ranger332

hey ya demoted me lol was getting to like the posting freak status



sniff sniff :oops:

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I've been meaning to change those for awhile. Hell, at 250 posts, we'll have a bunch of freaks in here pretty soon... :lol:

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