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Sh2 After Action Report...

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Being all excited about SH3, (as old as I am being excited about ANYTHING is a good sign), I decided to load up one of my favorite games of all time Silent Hunter 2. Yes we all know how when the game first came out with Destroyer Command it was pretty wonky. The Multi-play didnt work along with various and sundry other problems. But as they say, time heals all wounds my fellow swabbies. SH2 has come of age...


First I grabbed the key updates and mods at Subsim.com and their Downloads page. This would include the 1.1 patch, the Project Mezzerwertzer addon, the Hi-res enhancement pack (which brings the game resolution to 1024X768X32), Vickers Oilslick mod, and the SH2 Sound Effects. There was a TON of other stuff as well but I figured this would be a good starting place. Now everything has to be installed in the order I just listed it, the game first of course, then the patch, and so on.


A note on the pics shown, some are from the original unmodded game and some arent. The story is accurate and the features I display are in the modded game too. I just didnt get all the screens I needed from the modded version so used some earlier screens to show you some of the game features. Keep in mind to, these images are compressed so dont show the true detail and clarity in the game.


On running the game the first time all ran like a smooth running champ with one minor exception, I had a white line extending across the screen at certain external viewing angles. this was eliminated by turning off Table Fog in the game settings on the main screen. After this, I played several different engagements, including first, against a supposedly unprotected, defencless convoy...WRONG! Those benign looking transports and tankers have GUNS! Blighters put a hole right thru my snitzel before I was able to get below again... :blink:


The weather was stormy too, and while the sky didnt seem to hold any rain, the swells were quite large, at times engulfing the boat as we plowed towards our objective. Several times the boat porpoised...


Capn Jeff on the prowl...







Going at high speed as I was might have busted something like a dive plane in real life but that kind of damage from wave action may not be modeled. I know it is from enemy action. Now, to continue the story, being the diligent sort that I am, I keep a careful lookout for enemy ships scanning the horizen with my trusty uzo...




Finally, the enemy is spotted and the order to secure lookouts, clear decks, and DIVE! is given...




On entering the control room, I order "Upscope!" and begin the long process of manuevering into position, which in this case is made easy as the enemy formation is just off my bow at a mere 5000 yards. I initially take aim at the second ship in line. Once all is ready, I give the order...Torpedos LOS! and away goes number one. I turn to the first ship now and again the order...Torpedoes LOS!



Notice the second torpedo track heading for the first ship also.



Check out the size of those waves...*burrrp*...


The remaining ships turn to flee...




The first ship, a tanker, leaves a fiery oilslick...




A passing view of damaged ships thru the scope in the unmodded game...




My sonarman reports the vessals sinking and breaking up. In the sound room, the terrible screeching of metal changing shape is heard...all is quiet in the control room for a moment as we consider what we have done. Then, realizing that the convoy cannot be attacked from the surface due to their guns and the sub cant quite catch them submerged, I quietly order the boat turned for home. After we are out of range, the boat is surfaced, knots are bent on, and thoughts of home becomes a welcome diversion from this dirty war.




The game played GREAT! It is still one of my favorite real sims. There are lots of things that could have been done to improve the simulation by Ubi, but the community has taken care of nearly all the lapses. the visuals are VERY good, even getting reflections of the moon on the water at nite. I payed a $5 stipend to Subsim and got the Pacific Aces addon which I am going to add to a seperate install of silent Hunter 2 so I can still play the Germans when I wish. Ill post some screens of it once Im up and running with it. Ive also got screens I still have to edit showing a depth charging I took at the hands of the british that ended my career. This game will definately tide me over for subsims till SH3 comes out. Here's to hoping SH3 holds a candle to this fine game.


Anyone up for some MP? :o ;)

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SH 2 is quit a game...without the outside help and replacing the MP engine completely it would have died a quick death.Neal has done a great job with the WolfPack League and SubSim.

I will say this as a member of teh the 7th Flotilla(I skipper U-539)SH2 is great in MP...used to sail against 1st fleet and they use Destroyer Command...that was great,Just like in the real war the U-Boats had an earlier edge,however the 1st fleet skippers finally got good with their HK groups and made it very dangerous to make anything but a well thought out attack.

Now if SH 3 is as good as SH2 in MP the WPL will be around forever!

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Well, I scrounged a copy of SH2 and am installing it now. Now where are all those great mods? ;)

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The mods I listed can be found on the Subsim.com website on their Downloads page. All I think are free with the exception of the Pacific Aces addon which can be had for as little as a $5 donation. You can pay thru paypal and get a email from subsim in less than an hour which opens a page with the link for PA and all the other mods I mentioned in the review. The webpage with the links is good for 48 hours. I have 56K and was able to download everything including the 144MB PA file in less than 10 hours. I did it at nite, starting the download before I went to bed. I use Getright to download my files when on 56K as it will redial and reestablish connections, it will disconnect and turn off the computer after its done downloading, and it starts my virusscanner to scan all downloaded files. The program is shareware that request you pay for it after a certain time of using it.


I guess I shoulda mentioned where I got the mods, sorry. I also neglected to mention the game is still available for sale from Subsim and from Naval Warfare Simulations in their online Store. Cost $12. It was writers block...or was it a cramp? :blink::unsure:

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Great After Action Report!

Looking forward to SH3!




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